Who is Quinlan Vos? The Jedi Master Known for His Psychometry

Quinlan Vos was a Jedi Master who was known for his rare Force ability, which was psychometry. This ability allowed him to read memories and emotions imprinted on objects. Al Rodrigo voiced the cha...

Lowbacca’s Lightsaber: The Unique Weapon of a Wookiee Jedi

Do you ever wonder about the unique colored lightsaber of Lowbacca? This formidable Wookiee Jedi Knight is from the Star Wars Legends. He is known for his technical powers, fighting skills, and for...

Who is Lowbacca? A Deep Dive into His Star Wars Legends Journey

Lowbacca was one of the most famous Wookiee Jedi in the Star Wars universe. He was also known as “Lowie” by his companions. Years after the destruction of Death Star II, Lowie was found to be Force...

The Transformation of A'sharad Hett’s Lightsaber to Darth Krayt's Dark Blade

While lightsabers continue to be the stars of Star Wars saga, its significance in the Legends and Canon era is quite contrasting. For example, in Legends, lightsabers are more connected to the Forc...

Who is A'Sharad Hett? The Jedi Who Became Darth Krayt

Amongst the formidable Sith Lords of the galaxy, Darth Krayt is a popular one from the Legends. After all, he proclaimed himself as the ‘Dragon of the Sith’ in the galaxy and the Sith Order. He was...

Exploring the Unique Features of Corran Horn’s Lightsaber

Since the beginning, the Jedi and Sith haven’t seen eye to eye on anything. The primary reason lies in their Force ideologies and purpose in life.   The Jedi believe in a world without evil where j...