Who is A'Sharad Hett? The Jedi Who Became Darth Krayt

Amongst the formidable Sith Lords of the galaxy, Darth Krayt is a popular one from the Legends. After all, he proclaimed himself as the ‘Dragon of the Sith’ in the galaxy and the Sith Order. He was also known as the ‘Dark Man’ by the Force-sensitive members of the Skywalker clan. These Force-sensitive Skywalkers, especially Cade Skywalker experienced Force visions of a dark shadowy character who is associated with the dark side of the Force. This intimidating figure in his visions was Darth Krayt who also proved to be one of the greatest dangers of the galaxy. 

But, before his fall to the dark side, Darth Krayt was not this power-hungry menacing Sith Lord. His name was A'Sharad Hett and he was a Force-sensitive male human and Jedi who adhered to the principles of the Jedi Order. He was also a Jedi Master and a general during the end days of the Galactic Republic. However things took a sharp turn when he got to know that Anakin Skywalker embraced the dark side of the Force and became Darth Vader. After becoming Darth Vader, he helped Darth Sidious in annihilation of the Jedi Order.

A’Sharad never knew about Anakin’s Tusken massacre. His regret came much later, when he realized that if he had uncovered Anakin’s darkness, he could have prevented the fall of the Jedi Order. He regretted the fact that he could have gotten the young Jedi Anakin Skywalker expelled when he had a chance. A’Sharad thought that his failing to identify Anakin's dark side eventually led to the fall of the Republic and Jedi Order. 

This led him to become a bounty hunter, free from ethical principles of the Jedi Order. Then, on one of his missions, he trained under the Dark Lord Xoxaan. He was already learning Sith teachings from XoXaan before the Vong captured him. Their torture and Vergere’s manipulation pushed him over the edge. He proclaimed himself as the Dread Lord and the Dark Lord of the Sith.

In this blog, we are going to discuss the eventful journey of the Jedi A'Sharad Hett to being the Sith Lord and founder of the One Sith, Darth Krayt. We will also talk about his powerful abilities in the Force and him overcoming death and coming out stronger as the sole Dark Lord. So without further ado, let's get into it!

From Tusken Raider to Becoming The Jedi Knight

A'Sharad Hett

Image Source: swfanon.fandom.com

A'Sharad Hett was born to the Ex-Jedi Knight Sharadd Hett and Tusken-raised woman named K’Sheek on the planet of Tatooine. From the start, he was not just raised as a Jedi but also learned the nomadic tradition of Sand People from which he belonged. He once killed a Krayt dragon in a ritual. His father taught him combat and warrior traditions, but his Jedi training formally began under Ki-Adi-Mundi after Sharad Hett’s death.

Then, a Hutt-provoked Tusken War (designed to increase demand for old weapons) cost his father's life and his father Sharadd Hett was murdered by a bounty hunter, Aurra Sing. At this time, A’Sharad Hett was only 15 and he joined his formal Jedi training. He also got his father’s lightsaber and continued to use his weapon even after construction of his own lightsaber. He eventually became an experienced user of Jar’Kai. 

After his father was killed, A'Sharad Hett became a Padawan of Ki-Adi-Mundi. Within his early training period, he was assigned on a mission to Malastare along with Jedi Masters like Mace Windu and Yaddle. The reason for this mission was to bring peace to the warring Lannik factions. This gave him his first experience of the complex Jedi diplomacy as well as teamwork.

Two years after the Invasion of Naboo, A'Sharad Hett came across Aurra Sing. She was the same bounty hunter who had killed his father. Along with Ki-Adi-Mundi and Adi Gallia, he pursued her to a far-off planet. In this intense battle, A'Sharad Hett used his anger to defeat the dark sider Aurra Sing. But, he also refrains from killing her. He gave her to his fellow Jedi instead. Though he was able to overcome his anger at the time and gave her to Ki-Adi-Mundi, the guilt of not being able to control his anger caused him great regret. 

A'Sharad was struggling to control his emotions and so begged to leave mentorship of Ki-Adi-Mundi and go into exile. But, he was taken up by the Dark Woman, who was a Jedi Master and her real name was An’ya Kuro. She was able to teach him the control of his emotions so that he could finally complete his training in the next decade to become a full-fledged Jedi Knight. He even trained a Nikto male Padawan, Bhat Jul.

Battling in Clone Wars 

During the Clone Wars, A'Sharad Hett was a part of various important battles on behalf of the Republic. He usually found himself by the side of famous Jedi like Anakin Skywalker. Following the Battle of Jabiim, A’Sharad Hett and Anakin Skywalker were stationed at a military hospital on New Holstice. Anakin had difficulty coming to terms with the death of his mother and things became even worse when he inadvertently increased the pain experienced by a dying Jedi Master, Sora Mobari. A’Sharad Hett led Anakin to a monument that honored the fallen Jedi where memory moths could have helped him come to terms.

During the Battle of Aargonar, A’Sharad Hett and Anakin found themselves behind enemy lines when his ship was shot down during the battle. A’Sharad Hett attempted to get along with Anakin by pointing out how alike they were; however, the attempt failed since Anakin Skywalker hated the Tuskens. This hatred arose when his mother Shmi Skywalker died at the hands of the Tuskens. Anakin Skywalker's anger fueled him to attack enemy soldiers mercilessly, even A’Sharad Hett in his anger. To calm him, A’Sharad Hett showed his human face, showing that he too was more than just a Tusken.

A’Sharad Hett fought in battles such as Boz Pity to assist General Kenobi and General Skywalker in their mission to hunt Sith Lords and Separatists. His help also contributed to the Jedi eventually coming victorious at the end of the battle. After the Battle of Boz Pity, he assisted in being part of the Jedi force who was dispatched to Saleucami, where he collaborated with Quinlan Vos and Oppo Rancisis. Even after losing her friend on Saleucami like Xiaan Amersu, he used it as motivation and eventually the Republic was successful on Saleucami. A'Sharad Hett was one of those able to survive this Saleucami campaign. His exceptional skills also earned him rank as Master in the Jedi Council by the end of the war.

Returning to Tatooine 

When the Clone Wars ended, Darth Sidious, who was disguised as Chancellor Palpatine sent out Order 66, which commanded the clones to kill their Jedi leaders. A'Sharad Hett was scouting when he heard this and defeated the clones sent after him, but he was thinking that he alone survived this Jedi Purge and so he fled. 

While he did lead the Tuskens, his true purpose was preparing them for war against the Empire, not just fighting settlers. But in secret, he was actually preparing his clans for a coming war with the Galactic Empire (the government that Darth Sidious had transformed the Republic into). With him as their leader, the Tuskens won back stolen land and authority. He also discovered Force in one of his warriors, KkH'Oar'Rrhr and hence trained him in the use of the Force and in Teräs Käsi. He also gave his warrior a gaderffii stick for dual weapon combat. 

Duel With Obi-Wan Kenobi

A'Sharad Hett

Image Source: dzen.ru

When A'Sharad Hett's Tusken clans arrived at the farm of Owen Lars, his former fellow Jedi, Obi-Wan Kenobi, now in exile, intercepted them. Obi-Wan Kenobi being increasingly aware of A’Sharad Hett's descent towards darkness, he asked A’Sharad Hett to leave the vendetta but nonetheless, A’Sharad continued with his violent campaign arguing that the settlers had initially committed violence against the Tuskens. Thereupon, they engaged in a fierce lightsaber duel.

The fight ended with A’Sharad losing his right arm, and his mask. It was a shame in the Tusken culture to expose any part of the flesh and with one only one hand, he couldn't even wield the traditional Tusken gaderffii. The Tuskens abandoned Hett due to his dishonor, but they did not ask Obi-Wan to kill him. But, he did make him promise that he will never return to Tatooine again. Decades later, A’Sharad Hett found out that the farm Kenobi had protected was sheltering Luke Skywalker, Anakin's son. A’Sharad Hett wished he had revealed Anakin's secret of killing the village of Sand People (Tusken Raiders) before, as he felt it could have saved the galaxy.

A’Sharad Hett left Tatooine and became a bounty hunter to hide his Jedi skills. While in pursuit of a target on Korriban, the Sith homeworld, he found the Sith holocron of Lady XoXaan. Her spirit taught him the ways of the Sith and how to use the power, which A’Sharad Hett really thought he was learning to finally get revenge on Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine. But by the time he emerged from his tombs, he realised that alot more time has passed than he imagined. Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader were defeated by the Alliance to restore the Republic and Luke Skywalker. Getting to know this, A’Sharad Hett left for the Unknown Regions, away from his disillusionment of time and responsibilities of the Jedi Order.

Fall to Dark Side - Becoming Darth Krayt

In the Unknown Regions, he was captured by Yuuzhan Vong. A’Sharad Hett was imprisoned in the Embrace of Pain which continuously tortured him and he also became a subject for Shaper’s experiments. His cybernetic arm was replaced with one made of organic material as well as his left eye, which was replaced with that of a creature from the Yuuzhan Vong species. In this imprisonment, Vergere, a Sith, taught him how to use his pain to embrace the dark side. Hett's ideology changed and vision of the New Sith Order occurred to him. He started to believe that the galaxy needed a single strong will to reunite it.

A’Sharad Hett escaped and destroyed the Yuuzhan Vong scout ship and returned to Korriban, where he took the name Darth Krayt. This name was inspired from the feared Krayt dragon of his home planet, Tatooine. He reinstated the Sith under his rule, abolishing the ancient Rule of Two and instead establishing the Rule of One, wherein many Sith served under One Dark Lord of the Sith. The Dark Lord was, of course, Darth Krayt. This New Sith Order by Darth Krayt aims to reunite Sith of the galaxy under one rule where there is no master and apprentice and power struggles that come with it. All are united by the common goal of the One Sith. 

He could have warned the New Republic of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, but supposedly, A’Sharad Hett did not want to risk exposure and did not want to draw attention to his new Dark Lord identity. As Darth Krayt, he continued growing his power in secret, even using figures like Jacen Solo to become Darth Caedus. Though Darth Krayt's strength grew, his body was rotting due to the Yuuzhan Vong implants. He survived by placing his body in long periods of stasis. During this, only his mind was open to his closest disciples, Darth Wyrrlok. And that's how he survived and hid his true power from the world while still maintaining his influence over the galaxy.

Darth Krayt and the Skywalker Saga

During the period of the Vong invasion, Darth Krayt became leader of the One Sith. In 44 ABY, Darth Krayt came out of hiding briefly to help Grand Master Luke Skywalker fight the powerful Force-being Abeloth. Initially, Luke Skywalker thought of Darth Krayt as just another member of the Lost Tribe. But, Darth Krayt was soon identified by the Force ghost of Jacen Solo as the Dark Man in his and Luke's visions.

Even though Darth Krayt chose to tell Luke that he was part of the Lost Tribe. But Luke Skywalker was able to see through the deception but he still managed to ally with him to finish Abeloth. Both the Jedi and the Sith were successful in defeating Abeloth. At this time, Luke Skywalker still didn't know about Darth Krayt's Dark Lord identity but he could sense through Force that a New Sith Order was in making. 

Darth Krayt, and his Sith Order for over a century on the planet of Korriban, strengthened themselves with secret plots to bring into the galaxy their view of peace. Many years after their battle with Abeloth, Krayt killed the Devaronian Jedi with his mate and took Malincha, the child of the pair. He trained her as a Sith and taught her hate, anger and ruthlessness. This was Darth Maladi, who became skilled in the skills of torture, deception and intelligence.

Darth Krayt also spent years in stasis to heal and extend his life. When he returned, he allied with Moff Nyna Calixte and started the Sith-Imperial War, leading to the fall of the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances. At the war’s height, Krayt overthrew Emperor Roan Fel and launched attacks on the New Jedi Order.

Darth Krayt ruled the galaxy with an iron grip for seven years. However, his reign faced threats when Roan Fel and Galactic Alliance Admiral Gar Stazi joined forces against him. Things worsened when Darth Krayt learned about Cade Skywalker, a descendant of the Skywalker family. Worried that his poor health and rising enemies would prevent him from achieving his plans, Darth Krayt ordered a hunt for Cade Skywalker. He believed that the Cade Skywalker was the only guy who could extend his life span and his unique ability of Dark Transfer is the only way to bring Darth Krayt back from the dead. 

While meditating in the Sith Temple, Darth Krayt felt that Cade Skywalker was approaching to rescue Jedi Hosk Trey'lis. He instructed his Hands, Darth Nihl and Darth Talon, to catch Cade Skywalker, which they did. Darth Krayt was interested in the power of Cade's resistance to Sith torture and his ability to heal others and so he promised him training in exchange for his friends' freedom. Even when Cade Skywalker was initially resisting, Krayt perceived something in his anger and started training him as a Sith. Darth Krayt was confident that he would be a perfect apprentice for the dark side. Later, Cade manages to escape and confront Darth Krayt. In a very intense duel, he barely escapes with help from his mother, so Krayt vows to break him and exploit his powers.

Betrayed By His Own Hand - Darth Wyyrlok

A'Sharad Hett

Image Source: vk.com 

Darth Krayt and his Sith were heading for Had Abbadon to get Cade Skywalker, but Cade's allies had an ambush for them. In the course of fighting, Krayt was stabbed by Azlyn Rae, electrocuted, and then Force-pushed off a cliff by Celeste Morne controlled by Muur, a Sith spirit. Krayt fell and used the Force to survive, but he got betrayed by Darth Wyyrlok when he electrocuted him and left him in a stasis chamber on Korriban, hoping it would remain his secret.

Maladi suspected that Wyyrlok was cheating on her and informed Darth Nihl. Investigating the matter, Nihl found Krayt's body in the stasis chamber, with his armor missing.

Darth Krayt’s Final Death

Krayt and his followers were gearing up for war when Roan Fel and the allies decided to take the battle to Coruscant. Although they knew the chances were slim, they attacked with Cade Skywalker leading the charge. While Darth Krayt was in contact with Darth Nihl regarding the war, Darth Talon, badly injured, interrupted him and mentioned Cade's name. Cade Skywalker then appeared, igniting his lightsaber, and the final confrontation began.

Darth Krayt tried to push Skywalker away with the Force, but the two clashed. Darth Krayt declared that he was more powerful than he had been the last time they fought, and told Cade Skywalker to surrender, but Cade was determined. The battle intensified as Darth Krayt used the dark power of death and resurrection, making Cade experience his own death, showing him a terrifying vision of the future. He believed that by doing this he would be able to convert Cade Skywalker to the Sith, as Cade could see a future where his friends were dead and he was a Sith like his ancestors. But, when revived, Cade Skywalker declared he understood the vision yet remained defiant.

Cade's response was sudden and unexpected for Darth Krayt. Krayt died after a prolonged duel, but Cade made sure he was truly dead by incinerating his body in a star. Knowing that the body of Krayt might heal, Cade Skywalker realized that he had to ensure that the Sith were obliterated once and for all. For this reason, he flew a ship into the sun, believing that he would destroy the body of Dartg Krayt and himself. Before that ship hit, Krayt's spirit tempted him to take his body with him but Cade was determined.

At this last moment, Luke Skywalker's spirit appeared to send Cade Skywalker away from Krayt's influence. With Luke's encouragement, Cade escaped before the shipcarrying Krayt's corpse was incinerated in the sun.


How did Krayt survive after his experience of death?

Krayt survived after his "death" by using alchemy from the Sith on his body to heal his body and prolong his life. He also learned from the ancient Sith technique on essence transfer, which helps him transfer his consciousness in new bodies and escape deaths several times.

What is Krayt's "One Sith" philosophy?

Krayt's "One Sith" philosophy deviated from the traditional Sith orders. He believed in creating a single, unified Sith Empire with all Sith serving one ultimate leader. This was in opposition to the usual Sith pattern of master and apprentice with unity as opposed to infighting.

How did Krayt command his followers?

Darth Krayt dominated his Sith through fear, manipulation, and dark side powers. He made mighty Sith Troopers using Sith alchemy and had a great hold on his followers. This was possible because he was able to foresee the future so that betrayal could be averted, and he stayed on top.

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