Who Are the Inquisitors? Meet the Sith’s Most Ruthless Agents

After the execution of Order 66, the Jedi were nearly wiped out. However, some Jedi who survived the purge went into hiding, and a few Force-sensitive beings were turned into Inquisitors. The Inqui...

Who is Qui-Gon Jinn? The Jedi Who Defied the Council

Qui-Gon was a Jedi who believed in the living Force and found the Chosen One. He was the one who resisted the rules of the Jedi Council and preferred relying on instincts. Liam Neeson played this i...

Who Is Darth Tyranus? The Dark Transformation into Darth Tyranus

Count Dooku was once a respected Jedi Master who later became Darth Tyranus, a dark Sith Lord. Sir Christopher Lee portrayed the character, representing a tale of ambition, betrayal, and tragedy. D...

Who is Kylo Ren? A Complete Guide to Star Wars’ Complex Antagonist

Kylo Ren is played by the incredibly skilled actor Adam Driver. He is among the most intriguing figures in the Star Wars series. His tale is of light and shadow, heritage and betrayal, affection an...

Who is Darth Maul? The Dark Side’s Fearsome Apprentice

Darth Maul is among Star Wars lore's most fearsome and sorrowful characters. Ray Park depicts him in live-action, and Sam Witwer voices him in an animated series. Maul’s tale revolves around suffer...

Ahsoka Tano Explained: The Complete Guide to the Former Jedi Padawan

Few characters in Star Wars have carved their path like Ahsoka Tano. She is introduced as Anakin Skywalker’s apprentice, quickly becoming a warrior who defied traditional Jedi rules. Ahsoka has par...