Exploring Taron Malicos Lightsaber: Power and Precision on Dathomir

Taron Malicos was a fallen Jedi in the Star Wars canon. He was once an esteemed Jedi General who used to motivate the Republic troops during the Clone Wars. He was also a cunning tactician who used...

Who are the Younglings in Star Wars? A Guide to the Jedi in Training

In the galaxy far, far away, thousands of Force-sensitive species serve the Force according to their allegiances. The Force has two sides: one is the light side and the other is the dark. The Sith ...

Exploring Taron Malicos: The Dark Secrets of a Former Jedi

The lightsaber realm is filled with characters who follow the Force. They can either be the follower of the light side or dark side of the Force. Although both sides have powerful characters who em...

Episode 8’s Turning Point: Pirates Invade At Attin

Spoiler Alert: This article contains a detailed overview of the 8th episode of Skeleton Crew. So, turn around if you haven’t watched it yet. Previously on Epi 1: "This Could Be a Real Adventure," E...

Exploring the Unique Design of Satele Shan's Lightsaber

Usually, Star Wars characters wield only one lightsaber during their lifetime. Young Jedi get their unique Kyber crystals for their first lightsaber from Ilum or Jedha while Siths corrupt the Kyber...

Who is Satele Shan? A Guide to the Legendary Grand Jedi Master

Grand Master is a title given to the wisest Jedi in the Jedi High Council. The Grand Jedi Master is the head of the Council. In the Star Wars Legends, this prestigious title was usually held by pow...