A Jedi's life is fraught with danger. Their role, to acquire the knowledge of the force and to assist as peacekeepers, appears to be more relaxed than reality would suggest. Jedi travel the galaxy, combating pirates, beasts, Sith, and bounty hunters, to mention a few threats. There are numerous opponents and barriers to overcome. As a result of this, Obi- Wan's lightsaber has passed through three revisions. The three unique alterations were not the result of a desire for a new aesthetic. No, they needed replacements for the numerous operations as well as combat.
Obi-Wan Kenobi used three different lightsabers throughout his time as a Jedi. His original lightsaber contained a blue colored plasma blade and a hilt identical to Qui-Gon Jinn's. This weapon was wielded by Obi-Wan until it was kicked into a deep-down tunnel on Naboo by Darth Maul. He then fashioned a new blue single-bladed lightsaber of identical design. Obi-Wan created a third saber with a blue plasma blade after achieving the status of Jedi Master. He used this saber until he gave his life onboard the Death Star, allowing Darth Vader to strike him down so Luke Skywalker may run away.
Image Source: starwars.com
Obi-Wan Kenobi's most prized item and weapon was his blue-bladed lightsabers; he possessed only three lightsabers (constructed by him) and one temporary lightsaber.
Obi-Wan Kenobi’s first lightsaber was a weapon he created as a Padawan. It was inspired by his mentor Qui-Gon Jinn's lightsaber, which was simple in design. He used it until Darth Maul damaged it completely during the period of the Naboo Invasion. Obi-Wan would later construct a duplicate of this weapon, which he would use as a Jedi Knight until the Clone Wars began, after which he would switch to a new lightsaber with an entirely different design.
A diatium power cell was used to power this lightsaber, which was encased in the carved hand grip. The kyber crystal that powered the weapon's blade was briefly replaced with a kohlen crystal during his operation to Pijal. This ultimately saved his life since such a weapon could pierce armour fueled by kohlen crystals.
Specifications at a glance
Technical and Physical Parameters | |
Hilt length | 11.024 inches (28 cm) |
Hilt material | Alloy metals |
Crystal type | Kyber and Kohlen |
Design | Based upon Qui-Gon Jinn’s lightsaber |
Blade color | Blue |
Length of blade | 57.08 inches (145 cm) |
Blade type | Blue colored single-bladed |
Construction Information | |
Creator | Obi-Wan Kenobi |
Model | Lightsaber |
Type | Single blade |
Culture | Jedi order |
Destruction date | At Naboo in 32 BBY |
Owners | Obi-Wan Kenobi |
History and Usage | |
Aim | Lightsaber battle |
Association | Jedi Galactic Republic |
First lightsaber of Obi-Wan Kenobi's was a weapon he created as a Padawan and used until Darth Maul damaged it completely during the period of the Naboo Invasion.
Inspiration for the first lightsaber of Obi Wan-Kenobi
The inspiration for Obi-Wan’s first lightsaber was his own mentor, Jedi Master Qui Gon Jinn. Obi-Wan's saber’s hilt was modeled closely after Qui-Gon's. Qui-Gon's saber hilt was uncomplicated in design, with a black ringed framework along with a silver frame, and a characteristic red colored igniting button towards the upper center.

Image source: starwars.fandom.com
Kenobi’s first blue-bladed lightsaber
Obi-Wan's lightsaber had an identical black framework as well as red button, but the silver framing had more flair. Unlike Qui-Gon's saber’s hilt base, the Obi-Wan’s hilt's base had a rounded finish with silver trimming.
How did saber get its energy?
Lightsabers are not as strangely powered as one may believe. The majority of the hilt's construction is little more than a blade conductor. In this aspect, Obi-Wan's lightsaber, which is an uncomplicated single blade, is similar to most.
The lightsaber was fueled by a Diatium power cell, which was the weapon's main energy source. Whilst the Kyber crystal was necessary, it required heat and energy sources in order to ignite its blade. The power cell is inserted here, allowing the Kyber to eject the typical blue blade of Obi-Wan's classic weapon.
Lost of Kenobi’s first lightsaber
Obi-Wan's first lightsaber was used quite a lot. That saber saw considerable action, combating Droids on Naboo, accompanying him to Tatooine, as well as on Coruscant. Unfortunately, it wouldn't endure forever. It served its wielder well throughout The Phantom Menace, but he lost it in a confrontation with Darth Maul, who kicked it down the refinery complex chamber's hole. When Kenobi fought against Darth Maul, the Sith Apprentice, this first saber was destroyed.
He was forced to use his master's green-bladed lightsaber as a result of this, however he is never seen with it again.
Qui-Gon's lightsaber:
Between The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones, Obi-Wan utilized Qui-Gon's lightsaber until he constructed his blue-bladed lightsaber again.
Kenobi’s high-quality first lightsaber has been showcased on numerous occasions. The following are some of the prominent appearances: Star Wars: The Phantom Menace (FIRST APPEARANCE), Star Wars: The Prequel Trilogy-A Graphic Novel, Star Wars: The Phantom Menace Graphic Novel Adaptation, The Phantom Menace Read-Along Storybook and CD.
READ ALSO: The Ultimate Face-Off: Beskar or Vibranium
After the loss of his first lightsaber during the Battle of Naboo, Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi built and wielded his second. Obi-Wan restored his blue-bladed lightsaber and used it until he was abducted by the Separatists in Attack of the Clones. It has a design that is remarkably similar to his last one from the series of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. Aside from the blade emitter, every component of this hilt is nearly identical to his previous. The saber's top is slightly different, with a circular and enlarged blade aperture. In a holographic message, he was last seen using it while fending against combating droids and being overcome by them.

Image source: starwars.com
Specifications at a glance
Technical and Physical Parameters | |
Hilt material | Alloy metals |
Crystal type | Kyber |
Design | Exact replica of first saber which was Based upon Qui-Gon Jinn’s lightsaber |
Blade color | Blue |
Blade type | Blue colored single-bladed |
Construction Information | |
Creator | Obi-Wan Kenobi |
Model | Lightsaber |
Type | Single blade |
Culture | Jedi order |
Destruction date | Before expedition to Dallenor |
Owners | Obi-Wan Kenobi |
History and Usage | |
Aim | Lightsaber battle |
Association | Jedi Galactic Republic |
Obi-Wan Kenobi's second lightsaber, designed to reinstate his first, had a kyber crystal that ejected a blue plasma blade.
Construction Of Kenobi’s Second Lightsaber
After losing his first lightsaber in a combat on Naboo against the Darth Maul, Obi-Wan Kenobi sought to build a new weapon sometime after the Naboo Invasion. The second installment of the trilogy, Attack of the Clones, gave fans their first glimpse of this saber. However, this saber was a far cry from the A New Hope model's distinctive style.
Mission To Mid Rim Planet
Kenobi used the lightsaber to protect himself and his Padawan Anakin Skywalker from a bunch of pirates when the Jedi Council ordered him an operation to the Mid Rim planet of Dallenor to verify an archaeological team's finding of a Jedi holocron.

Image source: starwars.com
During the operation to Dallenor, Kenobi shows off his lightsaber.
During the time of operation to Carnelion IV in 29 BBY Kenobi used the weapon. When Grand Master Yoda was kidnapped by Glee Anselm, Skywalker and Kenobi embarked on a rescue operation, unaware that it was actually a test for the two Jedi.
Separatist crisis
During the time of Separatist Crisis in 22 BBY, Kenobi used the weapon to sever the hand of Zam Wesell, the bounty hunter hired to assassinate Padmé Amidala (Senator of Naboo), in the Outlander Club, a nightspot situated in the planet Coruscant's underbelly.
He also used the weapon in a fight with Jango Fett (bounty hunter) on Kamino.
Loss of Kenobi’s Second Lightsaber
This second saber was never lost in all of his adventures prior to and throughout Episode II. This sabre remained intact after enduring a Gundark and trapping a changeling. Obi-Wan even lectured Anakin for nearly losing his sabre during the chase of Zam Wesell. The weapon was confiscated by the Geonosians, when Kenobi was kidnapped by Separatist commander Count Dooku on Geonosis. Obi-Wan utilized a lightsaber handed to him by Sephjet Josall during the First Battle of Geonosis.
Temporary fourth lightsaber Wielded by Kenobi
Though he eventually lost his saber because of the Geonosians, Obi-Wan was not without a weapon in the course of the Clone Wars' first fight. For the battle, Kenobi was bestowed with a temporary lightsaber. This lightsaber may not have been with its owner for long, but it was there for him at two key times.
Kenobi’s high-quality second lightsaber has been showcased on numerous occasions. The following are some of the prominent appearances: Star Wars: Episode II- Attack of Clones (FIRST APPEARANCE), Age of Republic- Obi Wan-Kenobi, Choose Your Destiny- An Obi Wan and Anakin Adventure.
After losing his second lightsaber, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi crafted and wielded his third and final lightsaber during the Clone Wars. He utilized the lightsaber in a combat with General Grievous, losing it and eventually reclaiming it when Clone Commander CC-2224 "Cody" returned it to him.

He'd also use his third lightsaber to combat his sinful apprentice Anakin Skywalker turned Darth Vader on Mustafar, and he'd keep it in his possession for the rest of his 19-year banishment on Tatooine, until Vader killed him in a rematch on the Death Star. Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan's second apprentice, would subsequently borrow the design of this weapon to create his own lightsaber.
READ ALSO: The Most Powerful Lightsaber Crystal Ever Discovered
Specifications at a glance
Technical and Physical Parameters | |
Hilt material | Alloy metals |
Hilt shape | Cylindrical |
Crystal type | Kyber |
Design | Single-bladed |
Blade color | Blue |
Length of hilt | 11.5 inches (29.2 cm) |
Blade type | Blue colored single-bladed |
Length of blade | 145 cm |
Construction Information | |
Creator | Obi-Wan Kenobi |
Model | Lightsaber |
Type | Single blade |
Culture | Jedi order |
Destruction date | 22 BBY |
Owners | Obi-Wan Kenobi |
History and Usage | |
Aim | Lightsaber battle |
Association | Jedi Jedi high council |
Obi Wan Kenobi’s Last Saber Was the Most Crucial
Obi-Wan eventually built his signature saber hilt as shown in A New Hope at this moment, with the Clone Wars in full force. This iteration was a significant change from his previous two designs. The structure of this hilt was much thinner, with no ungainly spherical end and a much smaller centerpiece. This resulted in a lighter and faster combating ability. This sword was present during some of Obi-Wan's most pivotal occasions. During the Clone Wars, this weapon helped him defeat his previous padawan (twice) and Darth Maul. In terms of repute, it is only second to the Skywalker blade.
Finally, Obi-Wan had crafted a new blue lightsaber, this time designed differently than his previous two lightsabers. He used it to combat Count Dooku again, General Grievous as well as Anakin Skywalker two times but for the second time as Sith Lord-Darth Vader.
During the time of his 19-year banishment on Tatooine, he continued to utilize it until his climactic confrontation on the Death Star with Darth Vader, at the time of their encounter in A New Hope. The fate of the weapon after Obi- Wan's death is unknown. It's possible that Darth Vader kept it as a trophy and had it destroyed, or that if he didn't, it was destroyed along with the Death Star.
Luke Modeled His Lightsaber After Obi-Wan Kenobi’s last lightsaber
Though the wielder of this saber died, the saber's legacy lived on. Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi's penultimate disciple, built his second sabre to closely mimic his last master's. This feeling of heritage, like Obi Wan's before him, was crucial in the construction process. Both blades have a single spherical emitter, a slender upper-middle, and a thicker base. Their ignition button is also in the shape of a rectangle. Many of these resemblances are due to availability as much as homage.
Kenobi’s high-quality third lightsaber has been showcased on numerous occasions. The following are some of the prominent appearances: Star Wars: A New Hope (First Appearance), Star Wars Adventures: The Clone Wars- Battle 1,2 And 3, Star Wars: The Clone Wars Film, Queen’s Hope, Star Wars Battlefront II, Brotherhood.
Lightsaber Form of Obi Wan-Kenobi
Obi-Wan Kenobi was a superb duelist and a master at lightsaber warfare. He was more than competent at using hurtful and contrasting strategies, but he preferred to concentrate on defense. Obi-Wan's strategy for defeating opponents like Vader centered on exposing their flaws in a region of the battleground where Kenobi was strongest and they were weakest.
Kenobi had indeed been expert in several styles of lightsaber warfare:
Form III: Obi-Wan was an expert of Soresu, and many people regarded him as the master of Soresu.
Form IV: Obi-Wan was also a master of Ataru
Form V: Obi-Wan was an expert in Shien/Djem So.
Form VI: Kenobi was an expert on Niman.
Jar'Kai: Despite the fact that Obi-Wan normally only used one lightsaber, he was an expert in Jar'Kai. Although he was not a master of the technique, he was skilled enough to hold his own in opposition to the collective strength of Savage Opress and Maul.
Obi-Wan was an expert in the utilization of weaponry as well as, was an expert in unarmed dueling.
Who on earth would refuse to have this incredible lightsaber? Nothing could be more exciting than holding Obi-Wan’s lightsaber if you want to be a part of the good side of the force. We've gone with a real-time replica. Scroll down to see what's new!
Black Series Obi-Wan Kenobi Force FX Lightsabers

Every true Star Wars fan is familiar with the drip around the lightsaber that Luke Skywalker yielded. The REPUBLIC KENOBI LIGHTSABER, brought to you by NEO Sabers, is one of the coolest and finest, most swinging lightsabers on the market. This REPUBLIC KENOBI LIGHTSABER is a must-have for your lightsaber collection, from its build to its technical characteristics.
The REPUBLIC KENOBI LIGHTSABER is all you need to gratify the Star Wars fan in you, with excellent characteristics that make it seem just as spectacular as the original lightsaber. The light effects as well as sound on this lightsaber are both very realistic. It has a 50-watt RGB Neopixel strip with unlimited colors and a loud volume-adjustable speaker.
It also features a long, shatterproof, detachable polycarbonate blade with a defusing finish, making it ideal for heavy dueling, as well as a flash on clash feature and motion sensors that produce sound effects when swinging. It also includes nine customizable sound themes with various sound effects, as well as a removable lithium-ion battery, allowing you to enjoy a full day of lightsaber dueling.

NEO SABERS brings to you Original OWK LIGHTSABER, one of the trendiest and nicest lightsabers on the market. From its design to its technological specifications, this Original OWK LIGHTSABER is a must-have for every lightsaber collection.
This lightsaber's light and sound effects are both extremely realistic. It includes a powerful volume-adjustable speaker and a 50-watt RGB Neopixel strip with limitless colors. It also has a detachable lithium-ion battery and nine configurable sound themes with unique sound effects, allowing you to enjoy a full day of lightsaber battling.
It also has a flash on clash function and motion sensors that provide sound effects while swinging, as well as a long, shatterproof, detachable polycarbonate blade with a defusing finish, making it suitable for heavy fighting.
Obi Wan Kenobi Lightsaber Vs Luke Skywalker Lightsaber
Obi-Wan Kenobi’s lightsaber

Obi- Wan's lightsaber has been revised three times. The three distinct changes were not motivated by a desire for a new look. No, they were needed as replacements for a variety of operations and battles. Obi-Wan Kenobi mostly employs the blue lightsaber. The blue saber is one of several sabers created for the Star Wars movie, although none are just like it. The saber is renowned for its exquisite design and is available in a variety of sizes. The saber is a useful tool that never goes out of style.
Obi-Wan Kenobi used three different lightsabers throughout his time as a Jedi. His original lightsaber contained a blue colored plasma blade and a hilt identical to Qui-Gon Jinn's. This weapon was wielded by Obi-Wan until it was kicked into a deep-down tunnel on Naboo by Darth Maul. He then fashioned a new blue single-bladed lightsaber of identical design. Obi-Wan created a third saber with a blue plasma blade after achieving the status of Jedi Master. He used this saber until he gave his life onboard the Death Star, allowing Darth Vader to strike him down so Luke Skywalker may run away.
Luke Skywalker's lightsaber resembles Obi-Wan Kenobi's lightsaber because it actually does belong to Obi-Wan. In "Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope," Obi-Wan gives his own lightsaber, with its distinctive blue blade and hilt design lightsaber to Luke, which initially was wielded by Obi-Wan's own master, Qui-Gon Jinn. After Qui-Gon's death, Obi-Wan kept the lightsaber and used it throughout the prequel trilogy. When Obi-Wan presents the lightsaber to Luke, he tells him that it was his father's weapon, which is true in the sense that Anakin Skywalker, Luke's father, also used it.
Luke Skywalker’s lightsaber

The first lightsaber (blue-bladed) of Skywalker was handed to him by Obi-Wan Kenobi. Obi-Wan presented the lightsaber to Anakin's son Luke, after he first told him about his father. Luke used it in his initial steps toward becoming a Jedi. The saber was designed with Anakin's preferred lightsaber form, Form V, in mind, favoring more aggressive strikes and counters.
Luke constructs his own lightsaber after losing his blue lightsaber (along with a hand) in “The Empire Strikes Back”, as all Jedi are meant to do. Luke created the green lightsaber on Tatooine using the same procedures the Jedi have used for ages. Skywalker transported his lightsaber to the planet Ahch-To after losing his nephew to the dark side, where he lived in self-inflicted exile and seclusion. Skywalker's lightsaber was taken over by the native Caretakers after his death.
Regardless of the affiliation of Obi-Wan Kenobi, it is the over-the-top qualities of his lightsaber that make him a coveted choice for fans across the aisle. You'll have a lot of fun cosplaying with our preferred option. Grab it and stomp on all of the Bad Sith.
READ ALSO: Discovering the Profound Meaning of Blue Kyber Crystals
1. What happened to obi-wan Kenobi's lightsaber?
During his time as a Jedi, Kenobi used many lightsabers. In Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, he lost his first lightsaber when Darth Maul booted it down a reactor shaft at the time of their combat. While, just one movie later in Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones, the replacement was taken by Count Dooku. Lastly, he made his third as well as final one before Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith and operated it for the rest of his life.
Obi-Wan Kenobi continued to utilize his lightsaber until his climactic confrontation on the Death Star with Darth Vader, at the time of their encounter in A New Hope. When Darth Vader attacked and killed Jedi Knight
Kenobi's lightsaber was left behind after he was assassinated, and no one knows where it went. The fate of the weapon after Obi-Wan's death is unknown. It's possible that Darth Vader kept it as a trophy and had it destroyed, or that if he didn't, it was destroyed along with the Death Star.
2. What was the color of the Obi Wan Lightsaber?
Obi-Wan used several different lightsabers. Obi Wan used four lightsabers to organize it chronologically, three of which were blue-plasma bladed and one of which was green. Qui Gon Jinn's green one belongs to him. The color of Obi-Wan Kenobi’s lightsaber was blue. Obi-Wan Kenobi used three blue-plasma blade lightsabers throughout his time as a Jedi.
In Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, Obi-Wan used a blue-bladed lightsaber while he was still a padawan. In Star Wars: Attack of The Clones, Kenobi as a Jedi Knight wielded his second lightsaber which was again a blue-plasma bladed lightsaber. Halfway through the film Attack of the Clones, Obi Wan was elevated to Jedi Master and built his third lightsaber with a blue blade. Finally, In Star Wars: A New Hope, he battled Anakin Skywalker as Darth Vader twice with this saber.
A blue lightsaber blade was operated by Jedi Guardians who demonstrated a Force talent that complimented their own lightsaber dexterity. Hence, Kenobi is regarded as one of the renowned users of blue lightsabers. His saber is renowned for its exquisite design and is available in a variety of sizes.
3. Where to buy an Obi-Wan Kenobi lightsaber replica?
Obi-Wan Kenobi Lightsaber replicas of the highest quality for any Star Wars enthusiast can be easily bought online from NEO SABERS. The REPUBLIC KENOBI LIGHTSABER and ORIGINAL OWK LIGHTSABER brought to you by NEO Sabers, is one of the coolest and finest, most swinging lightsabers on the market. The lightsaber from NEO Sabers is all you need to gratify the Star Wars fan in you, with excellent characteristics that make it seem just as spectacular as the original lightsaber.
They feature a long, shatterproof, detachable polycarbonate blade with a defusing finish, making it ideal for heavy dueling, as well as a flash on clash feature and motion sensors that produce sound effects when swinging. It also includes nine customizable sound themes with various sound effects, as well as a removable lithium-ion battery, allowing you to enjoy a full day of lightsaber dueling. These Obi-Wan Kenobi Lightsaber is a must-have for Star Wars fan lightsaber collection, from its build to its technical characteristics.
4. Do you have an Obi Wan Kenobi Movie 2022 lightsaber?
Obi-Wan Kenobi lightsaber is renowned for its exquisite design and is available in a variety of sizes. If you want to have an Obi Wan Kenobi Movie 2022 lightsaber, NEO Sabers sell a variety of Star Wars items, including Obi Wan's lightsaber, which is a popular item among our Star Wars fans. The Obi-Wan KENOBI LIGHTSABER, brought to you by NEO Sabers, is one of the coolest and finest, most swinging lightsabers on the market. This Kenobi lightsaber is a must-have for your lightsaber collection, from its build to its technical characteristics.
The KENOBI LIGHTSABER is all you need to gratify the Star Wars fan in you, with excellent characteristics that make it seem just as spectacular as the original lightsaber. The light effects as well as sound on this lightsaber are both very realistic. When you buy Obi Wan's lightsaber from our shop, you can be certain that you'll get the greatest possible lightsaber from our knowledgeable customer service staff.
5. Who played Obi Wan Kenobi in Star Wars movies?
Obi-Wan Kenobi is a prominent character in the Star Wars franchise. He is a powerful Rebel leader as well as a skilled martial duelist. Obi-Wan is known for being Luke Skywalker's tutor. His outfit is oriental in design, along with an undecorated belt. Obi-Wan Kenobi is a fictional character from the Star Wars movie series. The role was played by an English actor Alec Guinness. Kenobi was a Jedi master who made his movie debut in Star Wars: A New Hope released in 1977.
With a British accent, the role is performed. His accent was created to resemble an ancient settlement in the original trilogy. Scottish actor Ewan McGregor starred as a youthful Obi-Wan Kenobi in the prequel trilogy, which began with The Phantom Menace in 1999. Ewan McGregor's final appearance as the character was in Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, released in 2005.
6. When is Obi Wan Kenobi 2022 coming out?
The trailer for Obi-Wan Kenobi was released on Star Wars Day- 24 May, 2022. Ewan McGregor announced in a video that the Obi- Wan Kenobi series would premiere on May 27 (Friday) with two episodes. The Hollywood Reporter reports that it will be six episodes long.
7. How Did Darth Maul Lose to a Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi?
The true reason for Obi-Wan's win however, was that he was the better combatant. Whilst Darth Maul's maneuvers were showy and he was overconfident. Darth Maul was bred to despise and then gain power from his hatred. He exploited that might to inflict pain and misery on others while also drawing strength from it. Obi-Wan experienced a brief moment of shock after Qui-Gon died. Maul was so certain that he would win. He'd slain the master, withstood his apprentice's intense emotional assault, and tossed him into a hole.
Maul made the mistake of expecting Kenobi to utilize his shock and rage against him to fuel his assault. Obi-Wan utilized his remaining power to clear his mind and study his surroundings, laying the framework for his Jedi career (apart from his terrible Padawan training). Obi-Wan was able to find his lost master's lightsaber with the help of the Force, and he was able to overcome his low-ground disadvantage with a calm and collected mind. It surprised Maul and Obi-Wan only needed this to gain victory. Darth Maul gambled on his knowledge and lost. Maul would have prevailed if Kenobi had been little more impetuous or slightly less loyal to the Jedi values
Moreover, once Kenobi’s master dies before his eyes, Kenobi's visage grows obviously enraged and his attacks become heavier as well as faster-paced. Before Maul could respond, the Jedi master utilized the force to drive himself up a stormtrooper shaft, flip through the air, and deliver the decisive blow. Obi-Wan soon established himself as one of the galaxy's top duelists, and his bout with Maul was only the beginning of his development.
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