All The Information About Mandalorian's Darksaber

Mandalorian Dark Saber

The Star Wars series is incredibly popular. Because renowned science fiction authors, producers, and directors continue to work on Star Wars, its prominence grows. Everyone adores lightsabers, the supreme weapon of the galactic guardians. Fans cannot disregard the lightsabers since they are a crucial component of the Star Wars mystique. The lightsabers’ primary hues were blue, green, and red, but as the mythology grew, so did the palette. The black lightsaber, sometimes referred to as the Darksaber, is one of several distinctive lightsaber hues available today.

The Star Wars Darksaber is exclusively a subject of obsession for diehard devotees. It is a special sort of lightsaber that doesn’t exist anywhere else in the galaxy. When compared to the colorful lightsabers that the majority of Star Wars fans are accustomed to, the Darksaber Mandalorian is black. Due to its rumored ownership by the purported ruler of Mandalore, the Darksaber is a legendary sword among Mandalorians.

This Mandalorian blade appears more like a sword-type blade and produces a dark glow instead of a straight beam of light. It also varies from other artifacts in terms of color and form. The blade of a Darksaber is black with dazzling edges. It features a hilt and a blade, much like any other lightsaber.

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The forefathers of Pre Vizsla carried down the Mandalorian Darksaber from generation to generation, keeping it even after the New Mandalorians’ peaceful principles supplanted the fighting traditions of Mandalore. The Mandalorian people’s misery is represented by this particular color, hence these feelings most likely influenced its formation. The Mandalorian black saber fabled heritage and what that represents for the future of the people are immediately acknowledged by all Mandalorians. The Mandalorian Darksaber is still a rare weapon whose history has to be adequately explained.

Popularity Of Darksaber

Mandalorian Saber Vs Traditional Lightsabers

A highly sought-after lightsaber with strong connections to Mandalore that sent forth a pointed ray of light through the wreckage of a TIE Fighter altered the Star Wars world irrevocably. The weapon has a long history that elevates its value above that of a standard lightsaber, and both its design and use are unique in their own right. Following are some features that set darksabers apart from conventional lightsabers.

The Mandalorian Black lightsaber is made of beskar, just like the Mandalorians’ other weapons. The hilt is probably heavier than a conventional lightsaber due to the nature of beskar, yet Tarre Vizsla apparently had no trouble using the weapon.
It makes sense that the blade’s hue would set the Mandalorian Darksaber apart. The Darksaber-only lightsaber with a black blade that has been discovered so far.

The Mandalorian Saber is unique in that it makes a distinctive sound than other lightsabers. Strikes produce an electric sizzle that signals impending mortality, while swings are followed by quieter chirping noises.The weapon’s reversed color scheme, which takes advantage of the blade’s lack of light,  adds a more intimidating quality, making whoever is holding it appear even more formidable.

Lightsaber Profile Of Mandalorian Darksaber

Before 1032 BBY, Tarre Vizsla—the very first Mandalorian to be admitted into the Jedi Order—created the Darksaber, an old and distinctive black-bladed lightsaber. After Vizsla’s death, the weapon was held at the Jedi Temple, but during a battle with the Jedi following the collapse of the Old Republic, members of House Vizsla purloin the light saber. Even when the New Mandalorians’ peaceful principles superseded the military traditions of Mandalore, House Vizsla’s members continued to pass down the Darksaber.

Creator Of Darksaber

Tarre Vizsla, the initial Mandalorian admitted into the Jedi Order, created Darksaber. The weapon was created more than a thousand years before the Skywalker saga’s events. The bond between the Jedi and the Mandalorians was not strong; when Tarre united with the Force, the Darksaber stayed in the Temple until intruders from House Vizsla broke in and took it.

During the last days of the Old Republic, it played a crucial role in the Jedi-Mandalorian War, which did not turn out well for the warrior way of life. The Mandalorian black saber remained in House Vizsla’s ownership after the conflict and was handed down through many generations until coming into Pre Vizsla’s control.

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Tarre Vizsla – The Maker Of The Darksaber

Given the respect that both the Jedi and the Mandalorians hold for Tarre Vizsla, it is clear that he was a smart warrior and a great peacekeeper. He eventually founded House Vizsla and became the emperor of Mandalore, although nothing more is known about him. Thus, allowing a compelling tale to be spun about a possible split between Tarre Vizsla and the Jedi. 

How Is a Star Wars Darksaber Made?

Only one Mando Darksaber has ever existed, and it was made thousands of years prior to the Skywalker Saga. The Mandalorian blade is another name for it.

The Darksaber’s hilt has a distinctive classical style and was crafted from Pure Beskar. A very dense element, the Beskar has a very high density. It is regarded as an indestructible substance. The Mandalorians have a soft spot in their hearts for Beskar. They are warriors who employ Beskar for everything from armor to weaponry to religion. Beskar is regarded as one of the very few substances in the galaxy that can resist strikes from a lightsaber.

Darksaber Hilt
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Quick Specifications Of Mandalorian Saber

Prototype Mandalorian Saber
Type of blade Single-bladed
Lightsaber model handcrafted
Popular Culture Jedi orderMandalorian
Creator  Tarre Vizsla
Construction date 1050 BBY 
Hilt material Beskar 
Blade length  90.932 cm
Hilt shape straight 
Crystal type kyber
Blade Color black
Owners  Tarre Vizsla Pre Vizsla Darth Maul Kanan Jarrus Sabine Wren Bo-Katan Kryze Gideon Din Djarin
Usage  Lightsaber battleThe emblem for House Vizsla
Affiliation Jedi Order House Kryze Gideon’s Imperial remnant Clan Kryze Death Watch, Mandalorian resistance Shadow Collective Spectres, House Vizsla Clan Vizsla Clan Wren Clan Mudhorn


The Mandalorian sword was a vintage lightsaber with a black blade. Its distinctive blade resembled a medieval sword and was smaller than typical lightsaber blades. The Darksaber’s ability to deflect a blow from a saber was due to the blades’ nearly magnetic attraction to one another. The black sword Mandalorian, like other common lightsabers, could not penetrate pure beskar but could heat beskar to the point of burning red. Additionally, it was unable to break through a Personal Combat Shield, but it might overpower and disintegrate one with continuous contact.

Specifications Of Star Wars Darksaber

It has a hand guard, an angular pommel as well as a blade emitter with a slit in it, all of which are fashioned of beskar- displaying the profile of Mandalorian. When lit or swung, its blade also made a sound that was higher pitched than that of previous lightsabers, more resembling a shriek than a hum. The Darksaber hilt Mandalorian sticks out from the others since it is more rectangular in shape rather than cylindrical like the others.

 A crystal that carried Force energy was a part of the Darksaber. The current of power flowed according to the thoughts and deeds of the user, with the sword frequently creating an electrical effect in reaction to an intensified emotional state.

Why The Color Of Darksaber Is Black?

The most typical interpretation is that it merely includes a Kyber crystal that Tarre Vizsla made using certain unique methods. Since kyber crystals are sentient beings, turning one black presumably required sophisticated Force manipulation on the part of Vizsla. The weapon’s usage of a black Kyber crystal rather than a colorful one provides a clear solution to the color puzzle.

The Mandalorian people’s misery is represented by this particular color, hence these feelings most likely influenced its formation. Whatever the cause, the Mandalorian Darksaber is still a special weapon whose history has to be fully explained.

Symbol Of Prestige For Mandalorian

As a representation of House Vizsla’s and subsequently Death Watch’s authority, it was revered by the Mandalorians. In accordance with Mandalorian tradition, obtaining a Mandalorian darksaber required defeating its prior owner in battle. Their claim would have been rejected if they had made it in any other manner. Bo-Katan, on the other hand, was welcomed by other clans when she took the Mandalorian saber from Sabine Wren without engaging in combat—an act for which she would later be outcast. The Children of the Watch, one faction of Mandalorian society, held the Mandalorian Darksaber to be cursed and that if it was obtained outside of battle, it would bring about the downfall of Mandalore and its in habitants.

Usage Of Mandalorian Blade

In The Control Of House Vizsla’s Descendants (Old Republic)

Tarre Vizsla, invented the Darksaber during the time of the Old Republic. It was preserved in the Jedi Temple upon his death. However, it was stolen by Mandalorians from House Vizsla following the collapse of the Old Republic after they stormed the Jedi Temple. It was utilized by House Vizsla’s descendants to assassinate several Jedi and reign over the entirety of planet Mandalore for several years.

Under the Control of Pre Vizsla

Under Pre Vizsla’s Control (Clone Wars)

The Mandalorian saber was in the hands of Pre Vizsla, head of Death Watch and the governor of Concordia, at the time of the Clone Wars. While donning his armor, Vizsla kept it on his back. Obi-Wan Kenobi found the Death Watch camp at the time of  the Clone Wars, close to the mines of the planet.

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Vizsla battled Kenobi with the Mandalorian lightsaber while his warriors fled. Despite his battle prowess, Vizsla was not able to stop Kenobi from escaping with Satine Kryze or to defeat him.

After Senator Lux Bonteri arrived, Vizsla tried to kill Chieftain with the Mandalorian Darksaber, but his granddaughter put herself in front of him and was fatally hit while his troops demolished Ming Po Town.

Pre Vizsla Vs Ahsoka Tano

Ahsoka Tano was restrained when she confessed she was a Jedi and attempted to defend the Ming Po. Vizsla then intended to kill her with the Mandalorian Darksaber as “punishment” for the Jedi’s previous “offenses” against Mandalore. Tano managed to release herself with the aid of R2-D2 (Ahsoka Tano droid). She then dispatched a number of Mandalorian soldiers before engaging Vizsla in a combat and severing his jetpack to free herself and Bonteri.

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On Nal Hatta

The Hutt Clans Nikto guards of the Grand Council were defeated by Vizsla’s deployment of the Mandalorian Darksaber on Nal Hutta.

Darksaber – In The Hands Of Darth Maul

Pre Vizsla Vs Darth Maul And Opress

After staging a fight with Opress with the Darksaber, Vizsla took Opress into custody. Then Vizsla turned on  Darth Maul and Opress and imprisoned them. Following their escape, darth Maul put Vizsla up for the position of Death Watch commander.

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Vizsla put up a great battle, using both the Mandalorian saber and the various weapons of his armor, but Maul disarmed him with the Darksaber, and he was swiftly vanquished and killed. Maul then took control of the Death Watch and grabbed the Mandalorian Darksaber.As part of his retaliation against Kenobi, Darth Maul used the Darksaber to assassinate Duchess Satine in front of  the Jedi master.

Darth Maul Vs Darth Sidious

Darth Sidious, Maul’s old mentor, attacked Maul and Opress. He was out to get his former protege before he could become more strong. While fighting sith lord together, Darth Maul and Opress failed to stand a chance against darth sidious. After Opress was murdered, Maul pulled out the Mandalorian lightsaber and battled his old boss with it and his crimson blade. He wasn’t something he could beat. As he used Force lightning to subjugate and torment Maul, Sidious set the Darksaber aside. Sidious merely said, “There is no mercy,” as he proceeded to torment his former pupil despite his cries for mercy.

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General Grievous Vs Darth Maul

Maul used the Mandalorian blade on them until General Grievous’ men arrived in Zanbar. Grievous’ soldiers had to flee as a result of Maul’s battle with him. When Maul boarded the dreadnought of Grievous during the fight on Ord Mantell, he once more utilized the Mandalorian charm to control him.

Darth Maul Vs Obi-Wan Kenobi And Mace Windu

To get revenge on Sidious, Maul vowed to use the Mandalorian Darksaber to murder Dooku.  When Dooku was set free by Maul, the two engaged in combat at the latter’s covert asteroid outpost with Mace Windu, obi-wan Kenobi, Tiplee , Aayla Secura, and their men. While Dooku was killing Tiplee, he next wielded the black lightsaber Mandalorian Secura and Windu.

In numerous later engagements, including the Attack on Vizsla Keep 09, Second Battle of Dathomir, as well as the Battle on Ord Mantell, Darth Maul continued to wield the Mandalorian Darksaber.

Mandalorian Darksaber – In the Hands Of Sabine Wren

Sabine Wren Vs Ezra Bridger

While under the influence of a Nightsister spirit, Sabine Wren utilised it against Ezra Bridger. Ezra destroyed the altar from whence the ghosts emerged using both his weapon together with the Mandalorian black blade. Then Sabine took up the Darksaber and departed the planet with Kanan Jarrus and Ezra bridger.

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In The Control Of Sabine Wren

To free Alrich Wren, Sabine’s father, from Imperial imprisonment, she led an expedition to Mandalore. During the battle, she used the dark blade Mandalorian first striking a secluded jail and then the convoy transporting her father to Sundari.

Mandalorian Darksaber – In The Hands Of Bo-Katan

To Bo-Katan, the previous Duchess’s sister, Sabine Wren offered the dark blade Mandalorian. She believed that she should be in charge of the Mandalorians’ resistance to the Empire. Despite Bo- Katan’s reluctance, the other clans helped him embrace the Darksaber despite his initial hesitation. Bo-Katan lost control of the Mandalorian Darksaber after the Empire vandalized Mandalore during the Great Purge of Mandalore. Although she left the planet, she kept up her leadership of the Nite Owls and was determined to finally regain the Darksaber together with Mandalore.

Mandalorian Darksaber – In The Hands Of Moff Gideon

Although the Mandalorian Darksaber was thought to have been destroyed during the Empire’s disastrous invasion on Mandalore, it was later discovered in Moff Gideon’s custody. Moff Gideon was a participant in the Great Purge of Mandalore that the Empire had carried out against the Mandalorians. He was also the head of an Imperial Remnant that appears to have been based on the planet Tatooine.

The Mandalorian Darksaber was obtained by Moff Gideon at the time of 9 ABY. During this same time, Bo-Katan Kryze became aware that Gideon possessed the Darksaber and began searching for him as a result. Bo-Katan, along by Axe Woves, Koska Reeves, as well as Djarin, boarded an Imperial Gozanti-class cruiser. There, they intimidated an Imperial commander and asked to discover the exact location of the Mandalorian black blade. The captain committed suicide by biting a suicide shocker, which led to his death. Kryze was left confused regarding its location as a result of this move; yet, it strengthened her resolve to reclaim what was properly hers.

Moff Gideon holding darksaber

Image source: Polygon

Moff Gideon used the Mandalorian darksaber in different confrontations. During the conflict that took place on Tython, Gideon was successful in capturing the Mandalorian newborn Grogu and bringing him aboard his command ship.  Gideon lit up the Mandalorian black blade while he was paying a visit to the kid in his prison, and he inquired about the child’s recollection of other weapons similar to this one from his earlier life. Gideon took the Mandalorian blade away from Grogu as he reached for it on the saber and told him that he’s not yet mature enough to play with things of that nature.  


Moff Gideon threatening Grogu with his darksaber
Image source: Syfy

After a battle with Din Djarin on the planet Nevarro, Moff Gideon later made use of it to free himself from the remains of his Outland TIE fighter and make his way to safety.

Moff Gideon vs Din Djarin- Conflict over the Darksaber

Djarin tracked down Bo-Katan and Reeves after Grogu was taken captive, and enlisted their assistance in his attempt to free Grogu. As Djarin assured her that she would receive the Mandalorian Darksaber for her assistance, Bo-Katan gave her cooperation. Following the successful assault on Moff Gideon’s warship by Din Djarin, Bo-Katan, along with their accomplices, Din Djarin found Moff Gideon in Grogu’s prison, where he was threatening the defenceless youngling with the ignited Darksaber.

Din Djarin  with Grogu
Image source: Dork Side Of the Force

Din Djarin with Grogu

Following a brief explanation of the Darksaber’s cultural importance to the Mandalorians and an apparent agreement to let Din Djarin finally take Grogu in return for never seeing each other again, Moff Gideon tried to attack the Mandalorian down from behind using the Mandalorian Darksaber, but was prevented from doing so by the armour plating on the Mandalorian’s beskar-coated jetpack.

Djarin Versus Gideon
Image source: Star Wars News Net

Afterward, Moff Gideon challenged Din Djarin to a duel, pitting his black sword Mandalorian against the beskar spear of Djarin, but ultimately lost. Din Djarin was finally victorious and he took his weapon away from him.

How Moff Gideon Handled His Mando Darksaber So Expertly- Unravelling the Mystery

Moff Gideon struggled at first to master the ancient weapon, but he eventually became a skilled wielder of the Mandalorian Darksaber. About the Darksaber, he held a completely unique point of view. The history of how he came to possess the darksaber is unclear, although it’s likely that it was in accordance with Creed’s teachings, as the saber never raised any objections.

As Moff Gideon had no doubts about his mission or his dedication to restoring the Empire, he had no trouble forging a connection with his blade. In addition to this, during the time that Gideon had control of the darksaber, he actually agreed to assume responsibility for ruling Mandalore. Even though he appeared to be a self-righteous as well as ambitious lump of bantha poodoo, his ultimate goal was for Mandalore to prosper under his rule.

As a result, the Mandalorian Darksaber acknowledged him as a legitimate Mandalorian commander just like any other. That makes complete and utter sense given that being Mandalorian has nothing to do with one’s race. It was about having a ruthless and dominant vision, and Moff Gideon certainly exhibited that attitude throughout his tenure as leader of Mandalore, which is why he was a worthy holder of the Darksaber.

There’s no way Moff Gideon ever took any instruction in its use; he may have tried to emulate Darth Vader, yet he was no match for Vader’s skill with the Force. It was clear that he had no understanding of lightsaber forms or even fundamental sequences, since he was helpless when defending himself with the Darksaber. 

Despite being superior to Din Djarin in terms of Darksaber mastery, he nevertheless managed to lose his worthy darksaber during their epic battle. During the second season of The Mandalorian, Din Djarin vanquished Moff Gideon in a fight, unknowingly claiming the Mandalorian lightsaber for himself.

Darksaber – In The Hands Of Din Djarin

Djarin escorted the captive Moff Gideon to the bridge where he attempted to hand the sword on to Bo-Katan, however she was unwilling to accept it. As Bo-Katan informed Djarin that she needed to gain it in combat, Gideon couldn’t help but giggle at her naivete. Djarin sought to capitulate, hoping to make up on his word and wanted to prevent difficulty, but Bo-Katan just gazed at him angrily and declined once more. Djarin’s intentions were to fulfill his promise, and he wanted to avoid conflict.

Din Djarin Darksaber
Image source: Fiction Horizon


Din Djarin Darksaber

Djarin and Katan had to equip themselves to fend off Gideon’s dark troops before they could strive their struggle. Luke Skywalker, a Jedi, finally came to their rescue and took Grogu along in order to teach him in the paths of the Force. As a result, Din Djarin retained the Mandalorian black blade and continued to make use of it in his activities related to bounty hunting. After some time, he started looking for the new clandestine that his Tribe had established on Glavis Ringworld. There, he made use of the Mandalorian Darksaber to acquire the bounty that Kaba Baiz had placed on information regarding their presence.

Paz Vizsla vs Din Djarin- Conflict over the Darksaber

Paz Vizsla, who saw the sword as legitimately his right owing to its roots within his own race, posed a challenge to Din Djarin in order to obtain the Mandalorian blade. Din Djarin was forced to respond to this challenge. Djarin won the one-on-one battle against Vizsla by the slimmest of margins, but he was quickly shunned by the Armorer once it was discovered that he had taken off his helmet while on his expedition with Grogu.

Darksaber in possession of Djarin
Image source: Fiction Horizon


Darksaber in possession of Djarin

After being kicked out of the covert without any fanfare, Djarin exited the facility while freely transporting the Mandalorian Darksaber with him. When Djarin was travelling to Tatooine, the weapon had to be checked in with luggage because he was unable to bring it on board the transport ship he was travelling on. During this time, he was momentarily separated from the weapon.

Djarin fought Scorpenek droids at Mos Espa with the help of the Darksaber after being summoned by his pal Boba Fett. Even though the Mandalorian Darksaber couldn’t penetrate the droids’ energy shielding, Djarin and Fett worked together to get close enough to a Scorpenek for Djarin to do significant damage to it.

Why  Did Djarin have such a hard time controlling the Mandalorian Sword?

In spite of the fact that, according to Creed, Djarin was successful in acquiring  the saber, he made a swift attempt to give it away, renouncing the duty of leading Mandalore. Din Djrain was not, however, proficient in the use of the Mandalorian Darksaber, despite the fact that the Mandalorian was likely skilled with the most weaponry. 

Darksaber in hands of Djarin
Image source: HITC

He had no idea whatsoever of the power that the darksaber possessed. Djarin was given an explanation by the Armorer regarding the history of the weapon, as well as information regarding Bo-Katan Kryze’s inattention to Mandalorian customs and Mandalore’s decline under her authority during the Night of a Thousand Tears. Although the Darksaber’s sentience bound its fate to that of the Mandalorian rulers, Din Djrain’s refusal to accept that position ensured that their desires would never coincide.

The ancient weapon becomes heavier as he continues to use it, and when he strained to hold it during the fight against Baiz’s goons, he accidently cut himself on his own leg while trying to hold it. Eventually, the Armorer also educated Djarin in the use of the weapon, informing him that he was battling against the weapon rather than his opponent. This made the weapon feel heavier in weight the more Djarin swung it, making him believe that he was actually struggling against the Mandalorian black saber itself.

In short, the darksaber resents being used by a self-centered bounty hunter who really isn’t concerned about Mandalore, which is why Din Djarin had so much difficulty controlling it. 


Mandalorian Darksaber was seen for the first time in Star Wars: The Clone Wars – “The Mandalore Plot”. Other prominent appearances include: Star Wars: The Clone Wars – “Shades of Reason”, Star Wars: The Clone Wars – “A Friend in Need”, Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, Star Wars: The Clone Wars – “The Lawless”, Star Wars: Galactic Defense, Star Wars: The Clone Wars – “Shades of Reason”, Star Wars: Force Arena.


Who would refuse the opportunity to acquire such a wonderful and exquisite lightsaber? Nothing is more exciting than using a Star Wars darksaber. Mandalorian Darksaber aficionados who are obsessive are undoubtedly wanting to add this incredible weapon to their collection of lightsabers. NEO SABERS  has gone with a real-time replica. Scroll down to see what’s new!

Manda Neopixel Dark Lightsaber

One of the coolest, best, and most swinging lightsabers on the market is the Manda Neopixel Dark Lightsaber, which Neo Sabers is pleased to offer you. From its construction to its technical features, this Manda Neopixel Dark Lightsaber is a need for your collection of lightsabers.

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Mesmerizing Features:

The Manda Neopixel Dark Lightsaber has all the features you need to satisfy your inner Star Wars enthusiast, seeming to be just as amazing as the original lightsaber. This lightsaber has extremely lifelike sound and light effects. It boasts a powerful speaker with volume control and a 50-watt RGB Neopixel strip with many colour options.

It also has a flash on collision function, motion sensors that create sound effects while swinging, a broad, durable, removable polycarbonate blade with a defusing finish, which makes it ideal for heavy fighting. You may enjoy a whole day of lightsaber battling with the help of the replaceable lithium-ion battery, nine unique sound themes, and a variety of sound effects.

Enjoy fantastic spectacular effects that will raise the stakes of your battle. You really must have this Mandalorian lightsaberin your collection, because it makes you feel like a genuine Mandalorian with a Mandalorian sword!

Affordable Price:

This excellent lightsaber is more reasonably priced than others while yet offering all the characteristics you might want. Perfect for novices or those seeking to increase their lightsaber collection at an affordable price. Purchase Manda Neopixel Dark Lightsaber from NEO SABERS and experience the force strength that the greatest Sith lord possessed. The hilt of this lightsaber is made of an aluminum alloy and is designed for intense battling. The smooth swing function makes the dueling experience more realistic. Long battery life will give you ample time to defeat your opponents in combat.

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Fortunately, you can get the Original Manda LED Baselit RGB Darksaber , which mimics the Mandalorian Darksaber. Due to its highly lifelike appearance, you will feel the same Force aura flowing from it. You may advance your journey by adding Original Manda LED Baselit RGB Darksaber to your collection. The Original Manda LED Baselit RGB Darksaber is a superb reproduction with a lot of fascinating and unique features.

Darksaber Replica
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The Darksaber replica: Original Manda LED Baselit RGB Darksaber, is one of the most distinctive hilts ever to adorn the arsenal, with an aggressive, streamlined design from top to bottom along with a plethora of functions. It is a lightsaber that looks authentic and has accurate Darksaber Mandalorian details. The blade and hilt have a highly realistic appearance. The hilt of a darksaber resembles that of a classic sword. This Darksaber’s electrical features are its finest feature.


 It features a long, shatterproof, detachable polycarbonate blade with a defusing finish, making it ideal for heavy dueling, as well as a flash on clash feature and motion sensors that produce sound effects when swinging. It also includes nine customizable sound themes with various sound effects, as well as a removable lithium-ion battery, allowing you to enjoy a full day of lightsaber dueling.

Mandalorian Darksaber Replica
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The blade of Original Manda LED Baselit RGB Darksaber is made of durable polycarbonate that is 2 mm thick and 92 cm long, making it resistant to powerful lightsaber thrashes. The 12-watt LED strips inside the blades, which offer you 12 preset colors, are protected by this material. You may choose from various blade sizes.

Lightsaber Nestling

Regardless of the affinity for Mandolarians, this lightsaber’s extravagant features are what make him a popular favourite on all parts of the aisle.. With our recommended choice, you’ll enjoy cosplaying a lot.

Grab it and trample all of the adversaries. Adieu!


1.  Was the Darksaber originally Mandalorian?

Tarre Vizsla, the initial Mandalorian admitted into the Jedi Order, created Darksaber. The weapon was created more than a thousand years before the Skywalker saga’s events. Due to its rumored ownership by the purported ruler of Mandalore, the Darksaber is a legendary sword among Mandalorians. It has a hand guard, an angular pommel as well as a blade emitter with a slit in it, all of which are fashioned of beskar- displaying the profile of Mandalorian.

2.  What is meant by Darksaber?

It is a special sort of lightsaber that doesn’t exist anywhere else in the galaxy. This Mandalorian artifact appears more like a sword-type blade and produces a dark glow instead of a straight beam of light. It also varies from other artifacts in terms of color and form. The blade of Dark Sabers is black with dazzling edges. It features a hilt and a blade, much like any other lightsaber.

The Mandalorian Saber is another name for it. The Darksaber’s hilt has a distinctive classical style and was crafted from Pure Beskar. A very dense element, the Beskar has a very high density. It is regarded as an indestructible substance. The Mandalorians have a soft spot in their hearts for Beskar. They are warriors who employ Beskar for everything from armor to weaponry to religion.

The Mandalorian Darksaber was a vintage lightsaber with a black blade. Its distinctive blade resembled a medieval sword and was smaller than typical lightsaber blades. The Darksaber’s ability to deflect a blow from a saber was due to the blades’ nearly magnetic attraction to one another.

4.  Who created the Darksaber in Star Wars?

Tarre Vizsla—the very first Mandalorian to be admitted into the Jedi Order—created the Darksaber, an old and distinctive black-bladed lightsaber. After Vizsla’s death, the weapon was held at the Jedi Temple, but during a battle with the Jedi following the collapse of the Old Republic, members of House Vizsla purloin the light saber. Even when the New Mandalorians’ peaceful principles superseded the military traditions of Mandalore, House Vizsla’s members continued to pass down the Darksaber.

3.  Why The Color of Mandalorian Darksaber Is Black? 

The most typical interpretation is that it merely includes a Kyber crystal that Tarre Vizsla made using certain unique methods. Since kyber crystals are sentient beings, turning one black presumably required sophisticated Force manipulation on the part of Vizsla. The weapon’s usage of a black Kyber crystal rather than a colorful one provides a clear solution to the color puzzle.

The Mandalorian people’s misery is represented by this particular color, hence these feelings most likely influenced its formation. Whatever the cause, the Darksaber is still a special weapon whose history has to be fully explained.

5. Are there any Mandalorian in Jedi?

Before 1032 BBY, Tarre Vizsla—the very first Mandalorian to be admitted into the Jedi Order. He created a black-balded lightsaber. Given the respect that both the Jedi and the Mandalorians hold for Tarre Vizsla, it is clear that he was a smart warrior and a great peacekeeper. He eventually founded House Vizsla and became the emperor of Mandalore, although nothing more is known about him. Thus, allowing a compelling tale to be spun about a possible split between Tarre Vizsla and the Jedi. 

6. Does Mando keep the Darksaber?

Not really! Mando, who is also known as Din Djarin does not keep the Darksaber in the long term. He acquires it and holds it for a while but it's ultimately given to Bo-Katan Kryze. In the finale of Season 2 of The Mandalorian, Mando wins the Darksaber from Moff Gideon. This technically makes him the rightful owner. However, Mando later yields the Darksaber to Bo-Katan in The Mandalorian Season 3.

7. How did the Mandalorian get the Darksaber?

The Mandalorian, Din Djarin, acquires the Darksaber in the Season 2 finale of The Mandalorian. According to Mandalorian tradition, the Darksaber must be won in combat for its wielder to claim the right to rule Mandalore. So, he finally obtains it by defeating Moff Gideon in combat.

8. Does the Mandalorian have the Darksaber?

As of Season 3 of The Mandalorian, Din Djarin initially has the Darksaber. However, he hands it over to Bo-Katan Kryze after acknowledging her right to lead the Mandalorians. This transfer of the Darksaber signifies Bo-Katan’s role as the leader, which is supported by the others in their clan.

9. Does the Mandalorian use a lightsaber?

While Din Djarin uses the Darksaber for a brief time, the Darksaber is not a traditional Jedi lightsaber. It is a unique black-bladed weapon with a distinct history, originally forged by Tarre Vizsla, the first Mandalorian Jedi. Din struggles with using the Darksaber initially which shows his unfamiliarity and lack of connection with lightsaber combat techniques.

10. Does Mandalorian have a lightsaber?

Technically, the Mandalorian (Din Djarin) does not have a lightsaber in the traditional sense. The Darksaber he briefly wields is a type of lightsaber but has a different design and historical significance compared to typical Jedi lightsabers. It is more a symbol of Mandalorian leadership than a Jedi lightsaber.

11. What color is the Mandalorian lightsaber?

The Mandalorian Darksaber which wielded by the Mandalorian has a unique black blade. It has a flat, angular appearance and a glowing white outline. This distinct look differentiates it from traditional lightsabers which have smooth cylindrical blades of various colors.

12. When does the Mandalorian get the Darksaber?

Din Djarin acquires the Mandalorian Darksaber in the Season 2 finale of The Mandalorian, titled "Chapter 16: The Rescue." He wins it from Moff Gideon after a duel. After that, he becomes the rightful owner by Mandalorian tradition.

13. Does the Mandalorian still have the Darksaber?

As of the end of The Mandalorian Season 3, Din Djarin no longer has the Mandalorian blade. He has yielded it to Bo-Katan Kryze, who now holds it. This aligns with her destiny and ambition to reunite the Mandalorian people and reclaim Mandalore. This shows  a significant shift in leadership and unity among the Mandalorians. 

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Anakin Skywalker

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