All You Need To Know About The Kylo Ren's Lightsaber

Kylo Ren's Lightsaber

Throughout the lightsaber world, there are a variety of different weapons that use light to cause damage. The lightsaber is perhaps the most well-known of these. In this regard, there is a lot of discussion among fans over Kylo Ren’s crossguard lightsaber. The unusual crossguard lightsaber wielded by Kylo Ren has seen a lot of screen time and provided some very dramatic moments.

Kylo Ren’s lightsaber has a feature that may be described as distinctive. Kylo Ren’s crossguard lightsaber is a centuries-old design that harkens back to the Great Scourge of Malachor. The crossguard blades, also known as quillons, originate from concentrating crystal activators that divide the plasma stream of lightsaber into three paths, with the crossguard blades emerging after the primary blade has ignited. The lightsaber emits an unusually “ragged” blade that is powered by a flawed kyber crystal.

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Kylo Ren changed the weapon’s blade from blue to red after destroying the Jedi Temple and succumbing to the evil side in 28 ABY. Thus, Kylo Ren added a crossguard hilt inspired by an antique style to the modified lightsaber. Kylo’s lightsaber is a fantastic representation of his personality.

Kylo Ren- Star Wars Fictional Character

Kylo Ren, thanks to his mastery of the lightsaber, is without a doubt one of the most exciting, favorite and memorable characters presented in the third trilogy of Star Wars Saga. Ben Solo, the son of Princess Leia Organa and Han Solo, succumbed to the dark side of the Force and changed his name to Kylo Ren. He becomes Supreme Leader Snoke’s apprentice after his conversion to the dark side of force.

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He was a former Jedi trainee who rose through the ranks of the Knights of Ren to become the feared First Order’s Supreme Leader before ultimately abandoning the dark side. Kylo Ren assassinated both his father and master in order to avenge the past, and Snoke was replaced as Supreme Leader. But his father’s death, his link with the enigmatic Rey, and the attraction of the good within himself continued to torment him. All three would eventually assist Ben Solo in returning to the light.

Popularity of Lightsaber of Kylo Ren

Kylo Ren’s Crossguard Lightsaber vs. Traditional Lightsabers

Throughout his years as a dark side servant, his lightsaber remained his persistent companion. While lightsabers come in a variety of hues, they all have the same basic qualities. Kylo Ren’s lightsaber is distinct in that it lacks one trait that the others do. Kylo Ren’s lightsaber appears to feature an additional beam crossguard.

Kylo Ren's Crossguard Lightsaber
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Unlike normal lightsabers, his lightsaber produces an unusually “ragged” blade, which is energized by a defective kyber crystal. The usage of quillons/crossguard blades, which are designed to function as release valves to let the plasma blade of lightsaber under control, is explained by the crystal’s instability. Ren’s hand is likewise protected by the crossguard blades during battle.

A steady beam is produced by all lightsabers. However, if you haven’t observed, Kylo Ren’s lightsaber emits crackles. This means his lightsaber is unstable. While Kylo Ren may employ those extra beams to attack his opponents, a single misstep with his arm could cause him injury. Because of them, Kylo’s lightsaber may be more difficult to control than a standard lightsaber. As a result of the addition of two more beams, Kylo Ren’s lightsaber is more difficult to wield.

Kylo Ren’s Lightsaber

Kylo Ren carried a crossguard lightsaber as master of the Knights of Ren as well as Supreme Leader of the First Order. Kylo Ren built the lightsaber during the time of his training as a Jedi Padawan under Jedi Master Luke Skywalker (Ren’s uncle). Ren upgraded the weapon to include a red blade following his annihilation of the Jedi Temple and conversion to the evil side in 28 ABY. The crossguard hilt on the modified lightsaber was based on an ancient design from the Great Scourge of Malachor.

Kylo Ren Lightsaber
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Because the Kylo Ren lightsaber crystal was shattered, it needed lateral vents on both sides of the handle to channel the extra heat created by the crystal. Kylo Ren did not appear to consider his lightsaber blade’s instability to be a flaw; in contrast, he appears to have prized it for this trait. At the time of his affiliation with the dark side of force, his lightsaber was his continual companion. Only after deciding to restore his birth name, Ben Solo, and reunite the Jedi Order did he put down his lightsaber.          

Kylo Ren Crossguard Lightsaber

Specifications at a glance

Technical and Physical Parameters

Hilt length 11.73 inches (29.8 cm)
Hilt material Industrial alloy hardened by heat
Crystal type Kyber later cracked
Blade color Blue
Blade type Single-bladed lightsaber
Hilt shape Straight, Cylindrical 

Construction Information

Creator   Ben Solo
Model  Traditional-hilt lightsaber
Crossguard lightsaber 
Type  Single blade
Culture   Jedi order
Sith order
Knights of Ren
Construction date Between 15 ABY-19 ABY
Owners  Kylo Ren/Ben Solo

History and Usage

Aim Lightsaber battle
Association  Jedi order
 First order
Knights of Ren

The Origin of Kylo Ren’s Lightsaber

The Ren lightsaber with the crossguard isn’t very unique. It is constructed on a pattern that was invented thousands of years before he was born, with two secondary blades (quillons) emerging from the upper part of the hilt at the angle of 90-degree. The Kylo Ren crossguard lightsaber makes its first appearance in the Great Scourge of Malachor, a notorious pre-Cold War conflict that occurred between the Sith Empire and the Jedi Order-a notorious conflict, in which every warrior on both sides was killed. After thousands of years, on an operation led by Ahsoka Tano Ezra Bridger, and Kanan Jarrus, their frozen bodies, and worn old crossguard lightsaber, were unearthed. 

Kylo Ren’s lightsaber, on the other hand, had modern components. Kylo Ren was capable of mending his lightsaber despite its hastily built appearance and unsteady condition, but ultimately preferred its unstable and explosive nature. Ren’s lightsaber hilt had a black charred look due to the lack of vents to make up for the unsteady power of a broken kyber crystal on its initial activation. Furthermore, the moderately defined inner workings of the lightsaber enabled for simple adjustments and care. Kylo Ren crossguard lightsaber symbolizes his inner doubt and fight to repress Force’s light side that kept inside him, as well as his raw and untamed Force might.

Construction of Kylo Ren’s lightsaber

The original blade of Ben Solo’s Jedi lightsaber was blue plasma. Ben Solo’s dark side alter avatar, Kylo Ren, changed his Jedi lightsaber into a Sith lightsaber that was red-bladed, to fit his new evil Force proclivities.

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With the inclusion of quillon emitters, the lightsaber was transformed from a traditional-hilt to a crossguard design. The excess heat created by the crystal was channeled to each side of the hilt via the lateral vents, offering the crossguard lightsaber an unsteady and jagged look. The use of the presumed crossguard as exhausts makes his lightsaber sound distinct from others. 

Kylo Ren's Lightsaber was uncontrollable without the exhausts, therefore he required them. The lightsaber may have burst or been damaged otherwise. Following the primary blade, the exhaust beams ignited. This indicated that it was attempting to control the uprising of power by releasing surplus energy. He was unable to bring perfection to the bleeding process because he utilized a fractured crystal.

His shaky lightsaber served as both a metaphor and a physical reflection of his personality. He was conflicted, insecure, and in need of direction.

Power source for the Ren’s lightsaber

A lightsaber’s power source is often in the shape of a crystal. Kyber crystals are extremely rare and can be found on a variety of planets in the lightsaber galaxy. Because they are sensitive to the force, they are great power sources for lightsabers. These crystals are responsive to energies and may be impacted when someone directs their energy into them.

Kyber Crystal
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Like all the other Jedi lightsabers, the Kyber crystal was used by Ben Solo, to energize his weapon. In the instance of Kylo Ren, he employed a red Kyber crystal, hence his lightsaber’s beams are inherently red. Kylo Ren utilized a cracked Kyber crystal. A diatium power cell was also included in the grip as a backup power source. A sliding activation mechanism close to the top of the hilt was used to ignite the blade.

Kylo Ren Lightsaber Crystal Origin

The crystal in Kylo Ren’s Lightsaber has an unknown origin. According to some stories, the crystal he used belonged to Anakin Skywalker aka Darth Vader or Luke Skywalker. Kylo Ren kyber crystal is cracked, regardless of where it came from, which made the bleeding process difficult for him.

Design of Kylo Ren’s Lightsaber

The crossguard lightsaber was an old design dating back to the reign of a Sith Lord named Darth Atrius, who wielded a pair of crossguard lightsabers. The crossguard was one among the modifications Kylo Ren made to his lightsaber. It’s not a crossguard, after all. Actually, those are exhausts. Kylo Ren made addition of the exhausts due to his inability to accurately reproduce his lightsaber.

Kylo Ren's Lightsaber
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The bleeding process injured the lightsaber’s kyber crystal, leaving it horribly defective and unsteady, constraining the lateral vents, which were designed to prevent the broken kyber crystal from overcharging. The activators of the focusing crystal split the red-yellow plasma stream from the lightsaber into three tracks, resulting in the quillons that formed once the main blade was ignited.

Kylo Ren’s lightsaber was altered, although the modification was so tiny that it was scarcely discernible. The upper half of the exhausts has been altered. The exhaust is formed like a small pipe with no holes at the top in the original design. The top pieces now have no cover due to the remodeling. This was done so that when a lightsaber collided with the exhaust, this would only impact the exhaust’s beam, not its cover, causing no visible damage to the blade.


Ben Solo’s Life As A Jedi 

Ben Solo’s lightsaber 

Ben Solo started his Jedi training in 15 ABY under the tutelage of his uncle, Luke Skywalker. Padawan Solo built his lightsaber somewhere between 15 and 19 ABY, as was the practice of the Jedi Order which Luke Skywalker tried to reestablish after the Great Jedi Purge. Solo became the “prize pupil” at his uncle’s Jedi temple after inheriting his grandfather’s connection to the Force, beating the integrated power of his fellow apprentices despite Luke Skywalker’s assurance that they were all equal in the ways of the Force. Voe, a Jedi apprentice, sought to be a match for Solo’s abilities in lightsaber fighting and Force might but was never succeeded.

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As he explored the galaxy with Skywalker, Solo defended himself with his own lightsaber. Solo battled the Knights of Ren in a deserted Jedi settlement on Elphrona in 19 ABY. 

A new mission

Solo was sleeping in his hut on the night of the annihilation of Skywalker’s Jedi temple in 28 ABY, his lightsaber and his calligraphy set on a table close to his bed. After sensing the dark side’s shadow within his nephew, Skywalker used the Force to probe Solo’s thoughts and had visions of a future in which Ben Solo will usher in a galactic era of death and destruction. Solo telekinetically drew his lightsaber to his hand and fought his uncle in self-defense, feeling his life was in jeopardy.

Skywalker blocked Solo’s strike with his own lightsaber; aware of Skywalker’s greater Force expertise, Solo used his abilities to destroy the cabin in a distressed attempt to finish the combat before Skywalker could overcome him. Even though Skywalker was just unconscious, Ben Solo left Skywalker for dead amid the remains of his dormitory. While sobbing out, Han Solo swung his still-lit lightsaber in despair. A huge storm arose over the temple, which demolished it and killed all of the other pupils.

Tai, Voe, and Hennix, three Jedi novices, returned on an off-world assignment to confront Solo. Despite the fact that the three Padawans each had a saber, Ben Solo left his on his belt and instead used his Force skills to defeat his foes. Solo used Tai’s lightsaber in conjunction with his own to kill and eventually replace the Knights of Ren’s commander. Voe was the only one of the three trainees hunted by Solo who was personally slain by Solo using Ren’s lightsaber.

Solo becomes the new leader of the Knights of Ren after abandoning the Jedi way. With his name altered to “Kylo Ren,” the fallen Jedi accepted his new identity as the “Jedi Killer,” as well as his positions as the new master of the Knights of Ren, a First Order warlord, as well as Supreme Leader Snoke’s dark apprentice.

Kylo Ren’s Life As A Sith

Ren’s genuine dark side mentor was Sith Master of his grandfather, Darth Sidious- the Dark Lord of the Sith, who was recovered on the Sith world of Exegol in the undisclosed lands, whilst Snoke was a Strand-Cast who functioned as Sidious’ proxy in both the governance of the First Order and Ren’s training.

Kylo Ren accomplished to channel his concerns into focused rage through Snoke’s training, pulling strength from the Force through his rage, but he lacked emotional control. Although Ren’s rage pushed him to destroy Skywalker’s vision, the Force projected the forms of Princess Leia Organa and Han Solo, begging their son to avoid the dark side.

Kylo Ren’s Destructive Weapon

Though not a Sith Lord, but as a dark side convert, Kylo Ren followed the Sith Order’s practices, such as corrupting a kyber crystal as a sacrifice deed. Kylo Ren used the crystal from own weapon for the procedure, while his grandfather Darth Vader, Anakin Skywalker’s Sith persona, bled the crystal from a blade he took from Jedi Master Kirak Infil’a. Kylo Ren’s kyber crystal changed color from blue to crimson, but it was damaged in the process, leading his lightsaber to burn out the first time it was used.

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The broken kyber crystal was still recoverable, but Ren modified the hilt of his lightsaber with quillon exhausts to balance the crystal’s energy due to the destructive amount of power it produced. As a result, he received a new red-bladed crossguard lightsaber, which came to represent both his power and his duality between the evil and light sides.

Usage of Ren’s killer weapon

Despite not having an official rank in the First Order military, Kylo Ren operated his lightsaber on different missions in his ability as an actual leader of the First Order Army. The Ren’s lightsaber killed a number of the Benathy, including King Kristoff, and the rest of their forces surrendered to the champion of First Order subsequently he murdered the Zillo Beast they revered as a deity.

Kylo Ren was notorious among the First Order’s ranks for his explosive and turbulent nature, which prompted him to annihilate his surroundings with his lightsaber, in addition to exterminating villages as well as vanquishing planets for the First Order.

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In the aftermath of the Starkiller debacle, Ren continued to utilize his Kylo Ren crossguard lightsaber. Ren attempted to personally kill conspirators with his lightsaber while overseeing the First Order’s search for the Resistance and conquering of the galaxy.

Kylo Ren utilized his lightsaber to execute a resident of Fondor as a message to the rest of the galaxy that no interaction with the First Order’s adversaries would be permitted when the Resistance went through Fondor’s star system. In addition to using his lightsaber to execute people, the Supreme Leader used it in warfare, fighting together with his forces as he had done at the time of his training under Snoke. Ren arrived at the Sith Citadel with his lightsaber after landing on Exegol with the aid of Vader’s wayfinder.

End Of Journey

Final fight of Kylo Ren and Rey

Throughout the Star Wars saga, Kylo Ren wields this lightsaber until his confrontation with Rey on Kef Bir. Kylo disarms his opponent and prepares the final blow in the fight’s climax, but Leia uses the Force to communicate with her son one last time. When a stunned Kylo Ren unhand his lightsaber, Rey snatches it and slams it into Kylo’s torso, putting an end to the fight.

Final Fight of Kylo Ren and Rey
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It’s not the first time Rey has used Kylo Ren’s lightsaber. Rey uses the Force to grab Kylo’s saber from his hilt while being held captive by Snoke during The Last Jedi. She fails, and Kylo reclaims his weapon quickly.

Redemption of Ben Solo 

Ren’s Jedi opponent Rey and her allies were inspired by the rumors that caused him to find Sidious. Their parallel missions and Force-bond led them to the Endor system’s ocean moon of Kef Bir. The wayfinder of the Emperor was found on Kef Bir, which was also the site of the second Death Star’s ruins. They faced off in a final battle on Kef Bir, Ren wielding his lightsaber and Rey wielding the restored Skywalker lightsaber.

During their fight, he had the upper hand, but was called out through the Force by dying mother, Leia Organa, diverting him and leading him to lose his lightsaber. Rey took advantage of the moment to retrieve his lightsaber and prick Ren, but after feeling Organa’s death, he healed his horrific wound before fleeing.

Kylo Ren was overwhelmed by a recollection of his dead father Han Solo, who spoke to him and called on his son to alter himself, just as he had done during their tragic meeting on Starkiller Base. Kylo Ren died as a result of his mother and father’s love, as well as Rey’s dedication in curing him, and Ben Solo was redeemed.

With no more use for Ren’s weapon, Solo flung the Sith red-bladed lightsaber towards the horizon, where it would sink under Kef Bir’s waters.

Major Lightsaber Battles Of Kylo Ren

The unusual crossguard lightsaber wielded by Kylo Ren has seen a lot of screen time and provided some very dramatic moments. Some of the major lightsaber’s battles of Kylo Ren are as follows:

In Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Lightsaber Combat Between Kylo Ren and Finn

Ren encounters a vengeful Finn in a wintry woodland, who happens to be carrying the galaxy’s most enigmatic lightsaber, a fact that catches the attention of the First Order leader. Finn fights valiantly in his bid to protect Rey, even landing a glancing hit at one position, but Ren eventually knocks him out.

Lightsaber Combat Between Kylo Ren and Rey

Ren tries to collect the forsaken Luke Skywalker lightsaber moments after beating Finn, only to have it fly into Rey’s grasp. A furious lightsaber combat takes place between the two. Ren swiftly puts Rey on the safeguard, forcing her deeper into the woods and closer to the edge of a cliff. But Rey fights back with the Force. She disbands him and strikes him in the face, leaving him with a horrible scar. Ren’s first loss in a lightsaber fight is one he will never forget.

In Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Praetorian guards versus Kylo Ren and Rey

Kylo Ren immediately teams up with Rey after haunting Supreme Leader Snoke with a lightsaber to fend off the Elite Praetorian Guards who just saw the assassination summary of their leader. Ren is in fantastic form here, fending off numerous guards at once, but he’s forced to rely on Rey’s help after losing his crossguard weapon.

Kylo Ren Versus Luke Skywalker

Kylo Ren eventually gets to face his uncle Luke Skywalker at the Battle of Crait. The next combat, which takes place on a smooth, salt-covered plain, is cut short when Ren, charging swiftly with his lightsaber, neatly slices through Luke—who is discovered to be a projected copy designed to confuse the First Order and allow the Resistance to flee.

In Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker

Kylo Ren Versus Rey

Kylo Ren, wearing a mask, battles Rey in an unprecedented Force-connected conflict in which both players are physically separated. Kylo Ren definitely has the upper hand in the combat, skillfully avoiding Rey’s strikes and taking advantage of the chance to play some psychological trickeries puzzles with his rival by pushing her to confront some terrible realities about her history.

Kylo Ren Versus Rey (on second death star)

Ren, challenged by Rey amid the partially flooded ruins of the second Death Star, bobs as well as weaves to avoid her cutting lightsaber before activating his own. Their fight is a heated encounter in which both fighters utilize the Force to perform spectacular blocks and leaps. Ren has the upper hand against a plainly tired Rey, but he loses out the combat—and nearly his life—after being distracted by his dying mother, Leia Organa’s, telepathically communicated thoughts. It turns out to be the final duel he will ever engage in as Kylo Ren.

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Knights Of Ren Versus Kylo Ren

While looking for Rey, Ren—genuinely Ben Solo, who has lately recovered his birth identity—is ambushed in the Sith Citadel by the Knights of Ren, his old companions. Ben Solo is banged around a little with the force as well as with a blaster until Rey hands him the famous Skywalker lightsaber. He then continues to slaughter the Knights, even displaying some acrobatic skills in the process.

Kylo Ren Lightsaber Style

Kylo Ren used which of the seven classic lightsaber fighting forms? Although the evidence isn’t conclusive.

Form V: Djem So

 He was most likely a follower of Form V, namely the Djem So variety. Kylo, like Luke and Anakin, used Form 5 extensively. He concentrates on leveraging his strength to overwhelm his opponents with strong overhead punches, which are a Djem So mainstay. Djem is a very aggressive form that relies on the user’s strength to break through opponents’ defenses while also redirecting opponents’ assaults into stronger and more devastating offense.

Ren’s ferocious combat style is reminiscent of Djem So, which necessitates a high level of speed and power in order to perform a barrage of assaults and counterattacks. Another of the Form V master’s characteristics is his dexterous ability to parry blaster fire.

Form IV: Ataru

He would occasionally perform acrobatic maneuvers reminiscent of form 5 Ataru. He used acrobatics to improve his fighting position and circular movements to strike from unanticipated angles. The constant utilization of physical blows in fighting is another characteristic of Ataru that Kylo Ren adopts into his combat technique.

Form VI: Niman

Kylo’s most recent significant style was Form 6 Niman, which, although not his most prevalent or the footing for his offensive or defense, was a form in which he exhibited considerable competence and incorporated components into his general combat style. Ren did use strategies that were more frequently associated with other styles on occasion. For example, he used the Niman practitioner’s trick of using the Force to push or drag opponents into places where they could be struck more readily. Kylo also exhibited the usage of twin blade Jar’Kai as part of this technique. At the time of praetorian guard combat, Kylo displayed this by fighting Ren and employing a unique variation of Jar’Kai.

Ren, on the other hand, was most likely a Djem So follower. That makes sense, given that he learnt battle as a young Jedi student from his uncle Jedi master Luke Skywalker, who is a well-known practitioner of Djem So.

Kylo Ren First Appearance

The lightsaber used by Kylo Ren first debuted in Star Wars: Episode VII: The Force Awakens released in 2015.

Kylo Ren Appearances

Ren’s high-quality lightsaber has been showcased on numerous occasions. The following are some of the prominent appearances: Star Wars: The Force Awakens Novelization, The Rise of Kylo Ren 1,2 and 4, Star Wars Battlefront II, Star Wars: The Force Awakens Audiobook, Star Wars: Episode VII: The Force Awakens, Star Wars: The Force Awakens: A Junior Novel.

Find Kylo Ren Lightsaber Replica In The Real World

Who on earth would refuse to have this incredible lightsaber? Nothing could be more exciting than holding the best Kylo Ren lightsaber if you want to be a part of the force. We’ve gone with a real-time replica. Scroll down to see what’s new!

Kylo Ren Lightsaber Replica
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Every true Star Wars fan is familiar with the drip around the lightsaber that Kylo Ren yielded. The Original KR XENO NEOPIXEL LIGHTSABER brought to you by Neo Sabers, is one of the coolest and finest, most swinging lightsabers on the market. This Original KR XENO NEOPIXEL LIGHTSABER is a must-have for your lightsaber collection, from its build to its technical characteristics.

Original KR Xeno Neopixel Lightsaber
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The Original KR XENO NEOPIXEL LIGHTSABER is all you need to gratify the Star Wars fan in you, with excellent characteristics that make it seem just as spectacular as the original lightsaber. The light effects as well as sound on this lightsaber are both very realistic. It has a 50-watt RGB Neopixel strip with unlimited colors and a loud volume-adjustable speaker.

It also features a long, shatterproof, detachable polycarbonate blade with a defusing finish, making it ideal for heavy dueling, as well as a flash on clash feature and motion sensors that produce sound effects when swinging. It also includes nine customizable sound themes with various sound effects, as well as a removable lithium-ion battery, allowing you to enjoy a full day of lightsaber dueling.

Lightsaber Nestling:

Regardless of the connection of Kylo Ren, it is the over-the-top attributes of his lightsaber that make him a sought-after pick for fans on both sides of the aisle. You’ll have a lot of fun cosplaying with our preferred option. Grab it and stomp on all of the Bad guys. Adieu!


1. Why is Kylo Ren’s lightsaber unstable?

The lightsaber used by Kylo Ren has a distinguishing characteristic. The crossguard lightsaber wielded by Kylo Ren dates back to the Great Scourge of Malachor and is a centuries-old design. A faulty kyber crystal powers the lightsaber, which creates a strangely “ragged” blade.

In short, Kylo Ren’s lightsaber is an antique design with a shattered/cracked crystal that makes the blade unsteady.

2. Why does Kylo Ren's lightsaber have three blades?

Kylo Ren was a lightsaber originally belonging to Ben Solo. Ben's lightsaber was quite standard compared to others, as it was blue. After the dark dide transformation, Ben did a ritual known as "bleeding" his kyber crystal that made it turn red; he overdid it and cracked the crystal. This makes the blade unstable and susceptible to blowing up.

Instead of throwing away the crystal like most people would do, Kylo was adamant that he find a way to make it work. He makes this excess energy controllable with vents that are created in the crossguards, inspired by the ancient styles of lightsabers. This gives his saber a kind of unique and menacing look.

3. Why did Kylo Ren kill Han Solo?

He killed his father, Han Solo, as he believed that would be the right thing to do to free him from pain and to show Supreme Leader Snoke that he is strong with the Dark Side. This type of action should have been proof of his devotion, but it turned out to be a tragic mistake. Rather than ending the story on a powerful note, it was deeply regretful for him. That's because all that guilt of the actions haunted him in the rest of the trilogy, which shows the emotional conflict that he faces.

4. Where did Kylo Ren get his name?

Kylo Ren chose his name after turning to the Dark Side. "Kylo" he got from wanting to join and being a member of the Knights of Ren, while "Ren" was named after the group in question itself. As Kylo took upon the name, he completely severed himself from his previous identity as Ben Solo and instead enjoyed the new identity.

5. Why is Kylo Ren's kyber crystal cracked?

The kyber crystal in Kylo Ren's lightsaber is cracked so the blade is uneven, on the verge of breaking into flames at any moment, crackling and flickering. This instability visually may mirror the turmoil going on inside Kylo as he fights the inner dualities between light and dark Force. This complex character demonstrates the pain that Kylo Ren bore on his inside.

6. Why does Kylo Ren die?

Kylo Ren dies on Kef Bir, the ocean moon of Endor, in a bitter duel with a lightsaber versus Rey. During their battle, she hits him hard enough to land a solid blow. Even though Rey can cure him by the power of the Force, the emotional weight of his past, the memories of mother and father arise and become too much for him to bear.

After a vision about Han Solo, he drops the mantle of Kylo Ren and throws his lightsaber into the sea. He sets out to meet up with Rey in her combat against the resurrected Darth Sidious.

7. Why is Crossguard needed by Kylo Ren?

Kylo Ren's lightsaber has two small crossguard blades, which he calls quillons. It protects his hands during the battling procedure, giving an element of practicality to the weapon. It gives an aggressive look as compared to other lightsabers in the lightsaber universe because crossguard design has been inspired from medieval sword designs.

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