The lightsaber owned by Darth Bane is as intrinsic as the powerful personality of Darth Bane himself. For the majority of his life, Darth Bane used his lightsaber as his primary weapon. Darth Bane was handed a peculiar hooked or " curved " lightsaber by his instructor on Korriban. Bane's lightsaber is his most personal, which helped him in all the resounding occasions of his life.
Kas'im, his lightsaber mentor, had bestowed him the weapon, which he had seized from his own master after murdering him.
Darth Bane Lightsaber
Specifications at a glance
Technical and Physical Parameters
Crystal type | Synthetic lightsaber crystal |
Design | Curved shape hilt (Sith lightsaber) |
Blade color | Dark red (initially)Later Crimson |
Blade type | Red color plasma blade |
Hilt shape | Curved |
Construction Information
Creator | Na’daz |
Model | Lightsaber |
Type | Single blade |
Culture | Sith order |
Owners | Na’daz, Darth Bane, Kas’im, Darth Cognus |
History and Usage
Aim | Lightsaber battle |
Association | Order of the Sith Lords Brotherhood of Darkness Sith order |
Darth Bane, the creator of the Sith Rule of Two, was an exceptional lightsaber duelist and a powerful Sith Lord. His red-bladed lightsaber, which featured a curved hilt, gave him more control and precision, especially in one-on-one combat. While the Legends sources don't say explicitly that a Twi'lek Dark Lord gave him his saber, the curved hilt is indicative of lightsaber designs that many Sith prefer because they emphasize both elegance and lethality in dueling.
Bane developed a combat style characterized by aggression and physical intimidation. After getting his orbalisk armor—living creatures that provided near-impervious protection—Bane adopted a relentless, all-out fighting style. The armor let him survive fatal strikes. It enabled him to overpower opponents with his strength and endurance. His red-bladed, curved-hilt lightsaber was perfect for his style. It combined brute strength with precision. This made him a fearsome opponent in battle.
Specifications of Darth Bane lightsaber
Whilst Na'daz was a great duelist who was well-versed in many lightsabers’ modifications for-instance saberstaffs, he preferred a more traditional style for his own unique weapon. When Darth Bane first received the weapon, the single bladed lightsaber was a dark red tint, but Bane later replaced the genuine Darth Bane Kyber Crystal with a synthetic crystal given by Sith Lord Qordis, resulting in a crimson blade.

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Lightsaber of Darth Bane
Qordis (Sith Lord) asserted that the crystal he delivered was more energetic than Jedi crystals as well as, to the one that previously powered the lightsaber. Later, Darth Cognus noticed the lightsaber's blade was completely weightless when she took it for herself.
First Owner of Bane’s Lightsaber
This lightsaber was originally owned by Kas’im, who was Darth Bane's master. Beyond Na'daz's ownership, the genesis of this lightsaber is unclear, despite the fact that he had handled it for a period of nearly two decades. Kas'im recalled his master training with the weapon as one of his earliest recollections. The weapon was eventually used at odds with Kas'im when the trainee dared to defy the master, as was Sith custom. Kas'im triumphed and took the sword as a prize.
From Where Darth Bane Got His Lightsaber
Kas'im kept the lightsaber for a period of ten years before giving it to his greatest pupil. Kas'im believed Bane had proven himself worthy by defeating the academy's finest pupil, Sirak, in a brutal sparring bout. He bestowed his weapon as a gift to Bane at the Korriban academy, where Kas’im was serving as a teacher. Bane spent many hours practicing with the weapon after Kas'im gave him some pointers on how to use it before grudgingly going to bed.
Bane dashed over the Korriban wastelands to the Valley of the Dark Lords to examine the tombs after a clash with the academy principal. Bane was ambushed by a group of Tuk'ata near the end of his trip. When they regrouped and came on again, he was compelled to pull out his Bane lightsaber after repelling the initial onslaught with the Force. Out of twelve people only four managed to survive. Afterwards, Bane was quickly recalled to the academy.
He was approached by Githany, one of his secret professors and a prospective romantic partner, when he had recovered from his adventure. She took Bane's lightsaber and led him to the school annals, where he was attacked by Sirak and his henchmen, who were collaborating with Githany. Githany, on the other hand, proved herself to be a dual agent, collaborating with Bane to assassinate Sirak and retrieve his lightsaber. Against Sirak's three saberstaffs and his two companions, Bane brandished his weapon apace with Githany.
Sirak's friends were quickly defeated, and he offered to surrender after realizing he was outmanned and outmatched. Then, Darth Bane used Bane's lightsaber to behead the Zabrak.
The Weapon of Renegade Sith
Darth Bane traveled to Ambria while transmitting a message to Ruusan via a messaging drone. Sith troops of Lord Kaan fought alongside their Jedi equivalent. Bane gave Kaan information on how to make an old Dark Side weapon as a "gift." He was killed by the poison and dropped off his vehicle prior to reaching his goal. He was resurrected by a group of scavengers who discovered him alongside his lightsaber and utilized it to save him. Bane used his daughter's life to coerce a healer into curing him so he could pursue his mission.
Darth Bane was a Jedi mind trickster and a member of the Brotherhood of Darkness. He persuaded Kaan to unleash the thought bomb on the Jedi, thereby killing himself because not just Jedi were slain by the bomb, but any Force-sensitives within range. Darth Bane instituted the Rule of Two as the Brotherhood perished.
Final Duel With Kas’im
The Brotherhood of Darkness dispatched Darth Bane to Korriban to study the Sith Holocron of Darth Revan. He was accosted by Kas'im, who coveted to murder or recruit him while he was perusing the holocron. Both of them pulled out their weapons and battled it out. Bane utilized the Force to steer his sword and ward off Kas'im's saberstaff blows in a combat with his old tutor.
Bane withdrew to the temple's entrance before using a powerful Force wave to collapse the entire structure. Kas'im drew his final card, breaking his saberstaff's hilt into two individual lightsabers. Bane was forced to flee because he had no experience against or with dual-blades.
Killing Of Salvagers In Darkness Camp
One of the first actions that Darth Bane did with his lightsaber was assassinating a group of salvagers who ransacked the previous Brotherhood of Darkness camp. Bane devastated the Jedi base on Onderon, executing all save two of the Jedi, who he purposefully let escape. The idea was for them to propagate easily debunked stories about his presence in order to scare off any Jedi, because no one would trust them. Bane practically forsaken Zannah, leaving her to make her own way to Onderons to meet him. He then embarked on his own voyage to the planet aboard his ship.
Thrashing Parasitic Orbalisks
The Force ghosts of Qordis and Kaan greeted Bane after he smashed on the Onderonian moon Dxun. He discovered the sepulcher of Freedon Nadd after picking his way across the world's wild forests. He came into a chamber with Orbalisks and Freedon's holocron clinging to the ceiling as he explored the edifice. While recovering the holocron, Darth Bane attempted to bat several away with his lightsaber, though two of them succeeded to fasten themselves on his body.
Darth Bane decided to persist because he was unable to remove them because they were impervious to his lightsaber and rapidly regenerated whatever wounds he attempted to amputate. Bane's orbalisks turned out to be a godsend in disguise, acting as a living coat of armor for him and healing any damage he sustained.
Battles With Apprentices
Darth Bane's lightsaber was frequently used in sparring battles with his disciples during the next ten years, with Bane adapting his combat style to make use of the full-body orbalisk armor. On a tip from Zannah, Hetton (Sith acolyte) and his retinue of Shadow Assassins attempted to kill Bane, but he didn't actually use the lightsaber in true combat.
While Hetton used the Force to keep the assassins at bay, Darth Bane blasted them all back but one, then used a short attack sequence to take him out. Bane then turned-on Zannah, disarming her and drove her back, only to relent when she confessed that she had led him here to perish so they might take his Sith treasures.
Confronting The Jedi
Belia Darzu's castle was overrun by Bane, who evaded her active defenses and made it to the chamber of holocron. The combat that ensued was a brutal hack-and-slash, with Bane slicing the monsters with his lightsaber as the orbalisks healed his wounds. A tired Bane deactivated his lightsaber and held the Holocron after a long, one-sided battle.
Four Jedi rushed in, two of them from each door, while a fifth Jedi sneaked in discreetly and stood back, using Battle meditation to reinforce his fellow Jedi. The Jedi were compelled to adopt more prevaricating techniques as a result of Bane's persistent assault. Lsu used her dual-blades to attack Bane's unprotected face, forcing the Sith Lord to surrender. Johun Othone severed Bane's lightsaber hand after attacking him through a small opening in his armor near the wrist. Bane let Darth Zannah finish down her opponent before coming to his rescue and saved him from impending death. Bane slashed the necks of all four Ithorians before venturing to murder the last Jedi with a blow of Force lightning.
Lightsaber Succession Chain
An Iktotchi executioner and a gang of mercenaries attacked Bane. Bane was poisoned with Senflax by the assassin, prohibiting him from utilizing the Force. She also took his weapon and tested it a few times before locking it up. When Bane fled, she returned it to him and joined him as Darth Cognus-a new apprentice.
Darth Bane as well as Darth Cognus went to Ambria to wait for Zannah. Zannah regained her footing quickly, performing a sequence of back flip flops before thrusting her saberstaff ahead. Bane expected the war games and came to a halt, only to expose himself to a volley of Sith spells that Zannah preferred. Darth Bane was eventually brought down by a tendril of Dark Side energy, which caused his lightsaber blade to deactivate as it slipped from his grip.
Darth Zannah had become the Dark Lord, and she had taken on Cognus as an apprentice. Cognus was given Bane's lightsaber by Zannah to operate until she could make her own.
Lightsaber Form Of Darth Bane
With his distinctive weapon, Bane developed a somewhat altered design, the intricacies of which were recognized by only the most skilled weapon handlers. The red-bladed curved-hilt lightsaber was ideal for Bane's physically frightening combat style. Bane adopted a frantic, all-offensive fighting technique of Djem So after acquiring his lightsaber-impervious orbalisk armor, and relied on his great physical power to defeat opponents. Darth Bane felt that by foregoing technical skill in favor of rage-fueled, strength-focused swordplay, he could maximize his efficacy as a duelist.
Darth Bane was also a Soresu master, teaching Form III to his apprentice Darth Zannah in order to balance out her small stature. Darth Bane's powers were so great in his later years that he could use his lightsaber to deflect a cascade of rain. Bane was a master of Juyo, which he may have utilized in his final confrontation with Zannah, as well as a skilled brawler and unarmed warrior.
He once demonstrated excellent mounted lightsaber duel whilst commanding a drexl and fought three Beast Riders, deflecting blaster bolts from all of his opponents in the skies. Darth Bane was also a master of the Dun Möch technique, which he used to outsmart and demoralize Sirak in their duel at the Sith Academy.
Darth Bane’s high-quality lightsaber has been showcased on numerous occasions. The following are some of the prominent appearances are: Darth Bane: Path of Destruction, Darth Bane: Path of Destruction Audiobook, Darth Bane: Rule of Two Audiobook, Star Wars: Jedi Vs Sith, “Bane of Sith” Star Wars Gamer 2 (First Appearance), Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil Audiobook, Darth Bane: Rule Of Two, Darth Bane: Dynasty Of Evil.
1. What weapons did Darth Bane have?
Darth Bane’s primary weapon was a single-bladed red lightsaber, which he wielded with lethal precision. He also wore orbalisk armor, a living symbiotic armor that provided near-invulnerability. Additionally, he traveled aboard the Valcyn, a T-class deep-space cruiser, for his missions.
2. In what era did Darth Bane live?
“Today you showed that you deserved it”. The lightsaber was originally owned by Kas’im, who was the master of Darth Bane. Kas'im, his master, had bestowed him the weapon, which he had seized from his own master after murdering him.
3. What is the lightsaber fighting style of Darth Bane?
Bane adopted a frantic, all-offensive fighting technique of Djem So after acquiring his lightsaber. Darth Bane was also a Soresu master, teaching Form III to his disciple Darth Zannah in order to balance out her small stature. Darth Bane's speed was so great in his later years that he could use his lightsaber to deflect a cascade of rain. Bane was a master of Juyo, which he may have utilized in his final confrontation with Zannah, as well as a skilled brawler and unarmed warrior.
He once demonstrated excellent mounted lightsaber duel whilst commanding a drexl and fought three Beast Riders, deflecting blaster bolts from all of his opponents in the skies. Bane was also a master of the Dun Möch technique, which he used to outsmart and demoralize Sirak in their duel at the Sith Academy.
4. Who is Darth Bane?
Darth Bane is a really important character of the Star Wars universe. He is known for being the Sith Lord who established the Darth Bane Sith code, Rule of Two. So, according to this rule, there can only be two Sith at any given time: a master and an apprentice. He believed that this rule was necessary to ensure the survival and strength of the Sith, as the Sith had been weakened by infighting and betrayal.
5.How did Darth Bane survive?
Darth Bane survived the destruction of the Sith Brotherhood by distancing himself from the internal conflicts and focusing on gaining knowledge. He studied ancient Sith teachings and avoided direct confrontations with other Sith. His cunning and strategic thinking allowed him to come above his enemies and escape situations that would have led to his death.
6. Why does Darth Bane have a Purple lightsaber?
Darth Bane is usually shown with a red lightsaber. But there have been some exceptions to this rule. For example, in the comic series 'Jedi vs. Sith', one cover showed his lightsaber as purple. In the Darth Bane novels, his lightsaber is described as having a red blade. There have also been pictures showing his blade as orange in the publishing of Darth Bane: Path of Destruction. These differences could be because Bane used different lightsabers over time. Most sources say he only had one weapon. The purple lightsaber could be due to artistic choices.
7. When does Darth Bane take place?
Darth Bane's story takes place roughly 1,000 years before Star Wars Movies, during a period known as the Old Republic era. This was a time when the galaxy was filled with many Sith and Jedi, and numerous conflicts between them.
8. When did Darth Bane live?
Darth Bane lived around 1,000 years before the rise of the Galactic Empire. The Sith Brotherhood ended with his life. Also, a new beginning of the Sith order was discovered that followed his Rule of Two. His exact birth and death dates are not precisely known, but his influence remained on the Siths for centuries.
9. Who was Darth Bane?
Darth Bane was born on the mining planet of Apatros. He had a very harsh upbringing and worked in the mines from a young age. His natural connection to the Force eventually led him to the Sith Academy. That's where he grew through the ranks to become a powerful Sith Lord. His real name was Dessel, but he adopted the name Darth Bane after embracing the dark side.
10.How does Darth Bane die?
Darth Bane died during a fierce battle with his apprentice, Darth Zannah. The two fought in a fierce duel. Zannah ultimately defeated Bane and took his place as the new Sith Master. It is suggested that Bane tried to transfer his essence into Zannah's body, but she resisted and overcame him.
11. How powerful was Darth Bane?
Darth Bane was extremely powerful in the ways of the dark side of the Force. His strength was not only because of his combat skills and use of the Force but also from his intellect and understanding of Sith philosophy. He mastered various dark side powers, including Force lightning, telekinesis, and the ability to drain life from others. His strategic mind made him a great opponent, capable of outthinking and manipulating his enemies.
12. How strong was Darth Bane?
Darth Bane's powers were both physical and mental. He was a formidable warrior, skilled in lightsaber combat, and had a deep understanding of the Force. His physical strength was seen by his connection to the dark side, making him a powerful fighter. Mentally, Bane was resilient and cunning, able to endure great pain and overcome challenges through great willpower.
13. Was Darth Bane a Jedi?
No, Darth Bane was never a Jedi. He was drawn to the dark side of the Force from an early age. His journey began when he discovered his Force sensitivity, and he eventually found his way to the Sith. Unlike some Sith who were former Jedi, Bane was always aligned with the dark side of the Force.
14. When was Darth Bane?
Darth Bane lived around 1,000 years before the events of the Star Wars movies, during the Old Republic era. This was a time of great conflict between the Jedi and the Sith. Numerous wars and battles were occuring in the galaxy.
15. Who was Darth Bane's apprentice?
Darth Bane's apprentice was Darth Zannah. She was a powerful Sith who was chosen by Bane due to her potential and strong connection to the dark side of the Force. Zannah was loyal to Bane and learned much from him. But she eventually surpassed him in power and took his place as the Sith Master.
16.Who defeatedDarth Bane?
Darth Bane was defeated by his apprentice, Darth Zannah. In keeping with the Darth Bane Sith code, Rule of Two which he himself established, the apprentice would eventually challenge the master to prove their strength. Zannah defeated Bane in a duel and took her position as the new Sith Master. There are hints that Bane tried to transfer his essence into Zannah to take over her body, but ultimately Zannah was victorious, suggesting she retained her own identity.
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